24. A Vicious Fight Between Supposed Friends

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Harry's POV

"Alright, that's all for today's class," said Professor McGonagall, sitting down at her desk. "You may all leave."

Harry rose from his desk and packed up all his things much like everyone else in the class. He threw his bag over his shoulder and was about to head out to Gryffindor Tower with Ron until he heard Professor McGonagall.

"Potter! Hold back a moment!"

Ron glanced to him but Harry just shrugged his shoulders and told him to go ahead.

Harry readjusted his bag strap of his shoulder before he walked over to Professor McGonagall and stood in front of her desk.

"Why'd you want to see me, Professor?" he asked.

"For a very simple reason," said Professor McGonagall, flicking her wand towards a cabinet in the corner of the classroom. "I think it's time I return something to you."

At the moment the cabinet doors burst open and out zoomed a broom.

His Firebolt.

It hovered in the air above the desk, looking as pristine as it did when he first gotten it.

"Can I?" asked Harry, reaching for the broom.

"Of course, it is yours after all."

Harry gripped the broom and admired it openly. His mouth was hanging open slightly at the magnificent sight.

"We've gone everything we could think if," said Professor McGonagall, looking at the broom with a semi-hidden awe. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it at all — you've got a very good friend somewhere, Potter . . ."

"I can have it back?" Harry said weakly. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," said Professor McGonagall, and she was actually smiling. "I dare say you'll need to get the feel of it before Saturday's match, won't you? And Potter — do try and win, won't you? Or we'll be out of the running for the eight year in a row, as Professor Snape was kind enough to remind me only last night . . ."

Speechless, Harry carried the Firebolt all the way to Gryffindor Tower. As he turned a corner, he saw Ron dashing towards him, grinning ear to ear with a look of shock on his face.

"She gave it to you?" Ron said breathlessly, his eyes bulging out their sockets in surprise. "Excellent! Listen, can I still have a go on it? Tomorrow?"

"Yeah . . . anything . . ." said Harry, his heart lighter than it had been in a month. "You know what — we should make up with Hermione and (Y/N). It's about time we start talking to them properly."

"Yeah, all right," said Ron, looking indifferent. "They might in the Common Room — probably working again."

After an incident with Sir Cadogan because Neville lost his list of passwords, the three boys walked into the Common Room.

Neither Hermione nor (Y/N) were in the room. Their usual workstation was instead covered with first and second years all chattering away.

Harry looked around the Common Room for a moment but he didn't see either of them.

"Oi, Ginny."

Harry turned around to see Ron standing next to his sister. Brazenly butting in on her conversation with another second year as she looked up at him with annoyance.

"Need something, Ron?" she said hotly.

"Have you seen (Y/N) and Hermione?"

Ginny looked to be deep in thought for a few seconds before she shrugged her shoulders.

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