28. Serious Talks

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Have you got anything?"

"Well . . . Dementors are beings that feed on the happiness and peace of those around them, tormenting their victims; on most occasions to the point of insanity. The species that is the Dementor can only be considered to be one of the foulest things that have ever existed."

"That's cheery."

(Y/N) hung his head low as Hermione shut her book closed with a sympathetic look.

"I'll go find another book," she said comfortingly.

"We've been here all day," said (Y/N), checking his watch. "Maybe it's a lost cause — no point in chasing something that doesn't existed," he added miserably.

"Maybe we're just looking in the wrong place," Hermione replied, placing her hand on top of (Y/N)'s.

"We've looked everywhere."

Hermione paused and then as if a switch had been turned on her mind, she smiled.

"Not in the Restricted Section."

Despite having a door of opportunity opened in front of his face, (Y/N) just sighed in annoyance. "Why does everything interesting or helpful have to be there?"

A mild hint of offence spread across Hermione's face as she stated, "Well actually I've seen really —" after a brief pause in which she put looked like it was psychically uncomfortable for her to not to be talking, she sighed. "You probably don't care."

"Of course I care," responded (Y/N), moving his hand from beneath Hermione's and now resting it on top of hers. "Talk to me about some other time?"

With a flicker of a smile, Hermione moved her hand away. "It's a date then," she said as she disappeared away from the table and between the stacks to get to the Restricted Section.

(Y/N) watched until the moment she disappeared, a quiet hum of peace escaping his lips before he stretched his arms.

However the small space in the corner of the library which Hermione and him had been residing in for a long while had been invaded by the presence of Professor McGonagall.

"(L/N), you've been requested by Professor Dumbledore," she said quickly and concisely.

"What for?" he responded, turning in his chair.

"The events that transpired during your chase of —" McGonagall paused for a moment and looked around before she continued. "Sirius Black," she whispered, "and the decisions you made just before it."

"With all due respect to both you and Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall," (Y/N) began carefully, "Hermione and I are researching something in the library. It's important — and personal."

"Professor Dumbledore —"

" — requested me," (Y/N) stated clearly. "I was listening, but I can take him up on his request another time. I'm researching something more important to me and that is arguably more important anyway then a chase that had no meaningful resolution to it; Black was in my dorm room, he ran, I ran after; I kept chase, he outsmarted me and then knocked me unconscious. That's all."

"Well we can hardly argue with that, can we Minerva?"

Almost choking on air, (Y/N) turned wide-eyed and then around to see Dumbledore looking at books on the shelf.

"A great insight into the lives of the great wizards before us," Dumbledore stated oddly, picking a book from the shelf. "Have you ever read this book, (Y/N)? The History of Merlin, it's quite fascinating."

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