22. A Patronus Developing and a Strange Necklace

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Come on, (Y/N)!" roared Wood, sitting on his broom in between the three goalposts, holding the Quaffle in his hand. "That was far too easy to save! Try again!"

Wood tossed the Quaffle back to him and (Y/N) caught it as it thumped against his chest. Both his arms were tired and he felt like he had trapped both of his wrists in a vice.

Ever since Slytherin's win against Ravenclaw a week after term started, Wood had become a psychopath. He kept reassuring the team that these practices were necessary so he upped the amount to six a week.

(Y/N) would've thought it was just the amount that had changed but it was truly the pressure and the amount of work he had to do for Wood as his "star Chaser".

At first (Y/N) was slightly embarrassed after hearing Wood's heavy praise and he felt bad for Angelina and Alicia; but after he saw their faces of sympathy for him after Wood had stopped talking, (Y/N) knew he was in for a rough time.

He, Angelina and Alicia worked on a rotation against Wood. One of them would try to score while having the Weasley twins' full attention and Wood had really told them to hammer in the nail with their hits on the Bludger.

(Y/N)'s turns on the rotation were far more exhausting and far longer than his teammates and as Wood berated him for phoning in so early, he flew past Alicia who had been called up.

His feet touched the ground and he stumbled under a small canopy by the stands and quickly collapsed into a chair. Even sitting felt uncomfortable as he slumped against the wooden hell-seat.

He closed his eyes in exhaustion but was quickly jolted awake as he felt ice touch his cheek.

He bolted upright and his eyes snapped open to see fiery ginger hair in front of his face.

"Want a water?"

Ginny Weasley stood in front of him with a sympathetic smile on her face as she offered him a bottle of water with her arm outstretched.

"Cheers, Ginny," said (Y/N), taking the bottle from her hands and undoing the cap to press the water bottle against his cracked lips.

"You look awful," said Ginny, taking a seat beside him.

"Well I've got a lot on my plate, especially with Captain Psycho on the loose," said (Y/N) looking up at the crazed Wood. "You on the hand, don't have to be here at all, so spill; what're you here for?"

"Oh, you know," said Ginny apprehensively, a slight flush in her cheeks. "Just checking in on the team."

"Harry's on the other side of the pitch, Oliver charmed the Snitch to shine less so it blend in more and give Harry a harder time seeing it."

"I'm not here for Harry you dolt," said Ginny angrily. "I'm just . . ."


"Promise not to laugh if I tell you," said Ginny, her face now buried in her hands.

"I can make no such promises."

Ginny just mumbled, "I wanna be a . . ."


Once again she mumbled, "I wanna . . ."

"You 'wanna' what?"

"I want to be a Chaser!" she exclaimed loudly, looking very red in the face.

"Oh that's cool, nothing to be ashamed about."

"Really?" asked Ginny.

"Why would it be? You're literally talking to a Chaser."

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