12. A Hogwarts Break-In

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ron was still in a bad mood with him and Hermione the next day. He hardly spoke to the two of them the next day during breakfast and dragged Harry off to the other end of the Greenhouse during Herbology.

That left (Y/N) and Hermione to strip the fat pink pods from plants and empty the shining beans into a wooden pail without listening to Ron complain passive-aggressively and winge through the whole lesson, so (Y/N) didn't mind.

Next was Transfiguration and as (Y/N) and Hermione walked to the classroom, they discussed Hogsmeade plans. (Y/N) had no real thing he wanted to do, neither did Hermione but they both agreed they'd both obviously be going together.

They continued their way to the Transfiguration classroom, but as they got closer, they noticed a disturbance in the line.

Lavender Brown was crying, Parvati had her arm around, and was explaining something to Seamus and Dean, who were looking very serious.

"What's the matter, Lavender?" said Hermione anxiously, as she and (Y/N) joined the group.

"She got a letter from home this morning," Parvati whispered. "It's her rabbit, Binky. He's been killed by a fox."

"Oh," said Hermione. "I'm sorry, Lavender."

"I should have known!" said Lavender tragically. "You know what day it is?"

"Uhm —"

"The sixteenth of October!" The thing I was meant to be dreading, it will happen on the sixteenth of October! She was right, she was right!"

The whole class gatherers around Lavender. Seamus shook his head seriously and Hermione looked sceptical and opened her mouth in an attempt to speak but (Y/N) gripped her arm.

"Don't," he whispered, "I don't care if you don't believe her . . . don't say anything."

Hermione gave him a shocked and angry expression.

"Look like that all you want," he whispered. "All you're going to do is making someone who's grieving feel worse."

(Y/N) released her arm and Lavender kept sobbing and wailing until Professor McGonagall opened the classroom door and people walked into class.

The class flew by and soon enough the bell rang and people quickly packed their things away.

"One moment please!" shouted Professor McGonagall. "As you're all in my house, you should hand Hogsmeade permission forms to me before Halloween. No form, no visiting the village, so don't forget!"

Soon the class began to funnel out of the class and into the hall. Ron had told Harry to go and ask McGonagall to sign his permission form but (Y/N) knew it was pointless so after a quick excuse to leave, he followed the rest of the class out into the hallway.

He walked through the sea of people and traversed the halls all the way to Professor Flitwick's classroom. (Y/N) knocked on the door before entering the classroom to see Flitwick tidying up after his last class.

"Ah (Y/N)," said Flitwick, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I've been wondering if we would be continuing that extra Charms tutoring this year," said (Y/N). "After the incident last year, I didn't get any real time to practice, I just wondered when we would start again?"

"No reason we can't begin now," said Flitwick, dusting his hands off as he piled objects into the storage closet. "Anything in particular you want to work on?"

"I want to practice offensive spells again."

"Well I think I can help with that," said Flitwick with a smile.

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