17. A Dream and a Dog

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(Y/N)'s POV

He was among the first students to drag his stuff down to the Common Room but soon it became filled with first years, seconds years, third years and so on.

However, the Common Room began to empty out as people filed out the portrait hole to leave the castle and get to the Hogwarts Express.

The cold wind seemed to bite at (Y/N)'s ears as he walked down the path towards the train. The scarlet steam engine was practically swarmed by students. They were cramming in at every door.

(Y/N) heaved his possessions onto the train and walked down the passageway. Looking into every compartment, they all seemed to be occupied and it kept up until (Y/N) found himself an empty compartment.

Sliding open the doors, he walked in and out his stuff in the shelves above him; placing Soot's cage on the seat beside him. He sat down on his seat, immediately unlatching the cage; allowing Soot to spring out onto his lap.

Soon after he settled into his seat, the train whistle blew and began to move its way on the tracks. (Y/N) looked out the carriage window at the snow covered trees and fields of glittering white.

As Soot curled up into a ball on his lap, (Y/N) placed his hand on her side and absentmindedly stroked her fur with his thumb.

Resting his head on the back of the seat, (Y/N) felt an odd pull. He felt drowsy and he felt as if the compartment was spinning around him. Closing his eyes, (Y/N) felt his drowsiness fade as he fell asleep.


The next moment he felt his eyes open, he was no longer staring outside the train window at the snowy scenery; he no longer sat peacefully stroking his cat without a care in the world.

Instead, he now stood alone, a large winding gravel path beneath his feet as tall trees surrounded him. He could hear a faint birdsong somewhere in the distance. Looking back, a mass of trees prevented him from walking in that direction.

Taking one last look at his surroundings, (Y/N) began walking up the gravel path.

Small rays of light shone through the vast canopies of the trees. The gravel crunched under (Y/N)'s feet as he could still hear that same faint birdsong through the trees.

The seemingly endless tunnel made by the trees ended not too far from (Y/N). Quickening his pace, (Y/N) walked out into open light, his eyes tightly closed as the sun shone directly down on him.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, (Y/N) saw the oddly beautiful sight in front of him.

The path continued into a large gravel driveway, which was connected to a lone two-story cottage-style house. The front of the house was surrounded by a large garden, the house itself must have sat inside a large forest clearing.

(Y/N) looked around, the gravel path did continue to a driveway but it also split off to another path, disappearing into another part of the forest.

(Y/N) stared apprehensively at the house but, not wanting to continue down the gravel path, he began to walk up the driveway.

He stepped on the grass near the house, soil bordering around, clearly destined for plants which had not yet been planted. Continuing his walk, (Y/N) made his way to a large dark oak door.

He went to knock but his knuckles hovered an inch away from the door. From behind (Y/N), he could hear the crackling of gravel.

Turning around, (Y/N) saw a white car pulling up. He couldn't see inside the car, it's tinted windows blocking his view inside.

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