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Armani's pov.

"We need to talk." I find myself saying. I had just entered Jayden and I's bedroom. Jayden turns to face me and just stares. "We've been avoiding it for a long time. It's been nearly 2 months."

We had been too scared to talk about it. I was too scared. We kissed and we wouldn't talk about it. Why not?

Was it just fear? Or did it not mean anything? I knew I was scared. But was she? Or did she not care? Was she trying to forget?

"What're you talking about?" Jayden asks, gulping deeply. "Y-you mean-?" She implies. Except she knows it. But she won't admit it.

"Yes. I mean us kissing." I say and she sighs. "Come on, can we stop ignoring it? It happened and we can't pretend there isn't something."

"Armani I want to address it, I just- I don't know how." Jayden responds. "I don't even know what happened myself."

"Okay, well, let's talk about it." I say to her, sitting down on my bed, facing her. "Lilia set us up, didn't she?"

"I think so. Yeah." Jay responds, chuckling. "She sure loves playing matchmaker."

Isn't that right? First Johnny and Kenzie. Then Brynn and Carson. Hayden and Jules. Jayden and I. Is there anyone that girl wont set up?

Too bad we cant give her a taste of her own medicine. She's with Jillian and they're good together. I'm happy for her.

"Well, how do you think that worked out for her?" I question. "Her matchmaking plan?"

"Good, yeah." She nods. "I think it worked out just the way she planned, don't you?"

"Really?" I tilt my head glancing at her, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah I mean, we kissed." Jayden says, finally facing me. Oh. Was that it? We kissed? I knew that but was that all there was to our blonde friend's success?

"Just her plan for that? Or overall her matchmaker plan?" I ask. She hesitates to answer at first, causing my brain to scheme.

My heart is confused and my brain is worse. My ears don't know what they're hearing for sure. I'm scared if she doesn't like me.

After an agonizing, long silence, Jayden speaks up and finally answers me, stopping my thoughts.

"Overall, yeah." Jayden answers and I breathe out harshly. "The whole matchmaker plan. Unless you don't think so, then uhm well I..."

Jayden begins to stutter at the end of her sentence. I zone out as she trails off once I realize what she told me.

My heart stops and I freeze. My fingers folded in my lap, once fiddling, now frozen in position. Did she somehow just say what I think she did?

"No-no I do. I mean, it worked." I say, stopping her absurd theories. "I um- if that's what you were implying with that."

Jayden stares at me thoughtfully for a moment before sighing. I've always noticed when she's nervous or in deep though, she fiddles with the bracelet on her wrist. As she is doing now.

"You mean if I mean how I feel about you? Cause..." Jayden responds, taking a deep breath. "I do like you. More than a friend."

"Well that's crazy because I was just thinking..." I stop for a second, making eye contact. She looks at me, disappointed and confused.

The familiar, confident brunette, suddenly loses her confidence as she glances around the room looking anywhere but me. Her leg is bouncing and she looks at it, begging it to stop, as she plays with her bracelet.

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