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Annie's pov

We've been living together for a bit over a week by now and it's actually been fun.

"Hey guys. Its Annie, good morning. I'm gonna wake Lilia up in a sec but first imma go see who wants to help me." I say to the vlog before I walk downstairs.

"Hey guys who wants to help me wake Lilia up??" I ask Hayden, Bryce, Lexi, Maisy, Lauren, Will, Armani, and Johnny.
"Wait me!" Will says, and Lauren and Hayden come join us.

"So I actually have a bag of air horns and confetti and nerf guns and I thought it'd be fun to use these to wake Lils up." I say to my friends and the vlog.

Will grabs a nerf gun, me and Laur grab air horns and Hayden grabs a bag of confetti. I set up the camera where you can see it and Will loads the nerf gun.

"You ready??" I ask everyone and when they all nod, I blow the air horn. Immediately, Laur and me attempt to blow the air horns to the tune of baby shark, and Will pelts Lilia with Nerf bullets as Hayden sprinkles confetti all over her bed.

"What the heck!?" Lilia shouts, sitting up and we all laugh, continuing what we were doing. Lilia rolls out of bed in her plaid pj pants and top. "I'm gonna kill you!" She shouts and everyone stops.

"It was Annie's idea!!" Hayden shouts and the three run out of the room. I quickly run out, chased by Lilia.

"What did y'all do to her?!" Bryce exclaims, seeing the confetti covered Lilia in pajamas chasing me. I quickly use Bryce and Hayden as a shield. She just runs around them and I shriek, running outside.

"Help!!!!!" I shout, running around the pool. "Call 911!!!" I yell at Lauren and Will who are laughing their asses off by the door.

"Ah yes." Johnny says "yes I'd like to report a sleepy, confetti covered girl chasing her best friend around our pool." He jokes. I sarcastically laugh but soon I'm shoved into the pool. I quickly pull her in with me.

"ANNIE!!" Lilia shrieks. "IM IN PAJAMAS!!" I can't help but laugh.
"DAMN IT THE POOL IS FREEZING IN THE MORNING!!!" I shout, and Lilia climbs out quickly.

I make my way to the edge, and hold my hand up.
"Someone help me out!" I shout in a 'duh' tone, and Hayden walks over, grabbing my hands, pulling me out of the pool and wrapping a towel around my shivering body. I thank him and we walk inside.

"Anyways guys so I don't know what you've seen, but I just showed you Lilia chasing Annie around the pool. Which didn't end well for them." Jayden says into a camera.

"I'm c-cold!" I shiver, and yell at the camera. I mean, I'm wearing cotton shorts and a white shirt. Motherfucking white shirt. You can see my bra by now. I wrap myself tighter into the towel.

"How do you think I feel?!" Lilia shouts at me. "I'm in pajamas!!"
"I'm in a thin white shirt and shorts, Lils!!!" I shout back, pulling the towel off me slightly, showing my outfit.

"Oh boo hoo, your boyfriend saw you in your bra!" Lilia yells at me, mockingly.
"I don't have a boyfriend" I retort. Lilia stomps off, upstairs, before yelling back down.

"YOU DO IT!!" I yell back. I pout and go sit on the bench.

"You okay??" Hayden asks, sitting next to me.
"I'm fine." I say "I need to change. Lilia's mad at me right now though."

"Just give her some time to cool off. If you really don't wanna go back in there, I bet one of the other girls has clothes you can borrow??" He responds.

"Yeah, thanks." I say, smiling up at him and I go to ask Jayden if she has clothes I could borrow, in my size. I ended up just picking out a black cropped shirt and black shorts. I thank her and we walk back downstairs.

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