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Johnny's pov

Currently, we're all sitting in the living room trying to figure out what to do today.

"OMG SUTBMJFCNJYC!!!" Lauren shouts, yelling jibberish nobody can understand.
"Lolo, words please." William says

"Grrr" She growls at will imitating a bear.
"See that doesn't make you look like a big scary bear. More like a cute little bear cub." Will teases and she giggles.

"Anyways, what is it?" I ask.
"Oh right." She says, like she forgot she was gonna say something. "WE SHOULD GO DO LAZER TAG!!"

"Jesus are you trying to blow my ears off?!" Carson exclaims, covering his ears. Lauren shrugs.
"To Lazer taggggg!" Bryce says, pointing a finger in the air towards the garage. I chuckle at this and follow him.

We decided to use different cars instead of trying to fit in one again. It wasnt hard last time but it's easier this way. I insisted on driving Lauren and Kenzie. But Will 'had to' go with Laur. So I'm in the car with Laur, Kenzie, and Will.

Lilia, Annie, Hayden, Jayden, and Armani went in Lilia's car. Lexi and Maisy went in a car and Joey tagged along. That left Brynn, Carson, and Bryce in Carson's car.

"I KINDA LIKE IT WHEN YOU WASTE MY TIME!!!" Kenzie yells, playing my song 'waste my time'. I burst into laughter.

"Can you maybe turn that down? I wanna vlogggg" Lauren says, drawing out the g. I turn it down a bit that way Lauren can be heard.

"Hey guys!! Its your favorite Barbie from the Dreamhouse!" She greets and I chuckle.

"GOT ME FEELING LIKE THERE-" Kenz continues singing and then stops herself to yell at Lauren. "HEY!!! I'm their favorite!!" Lauren rolls her eyes and continues to speak.

"Guys comment down below who your favorite barbie is. Is it me, Kenzie, Brynn, Maisy, Lilia, Jayden, Annie, or Lexi?" Lauren speaks.

"AAAAAND" Will cuts in. "Who's your favorite 'Ken'? Is it me, Johnny, Carson, Hayden, Joey, Bryce, or Armani?" He says, using one of his hands to make air quotes around Ken.

"Yeah. What he said." Lauren says and then continues. "Anyways, we're on our way to go do lazer tagggg" She announces. Singing the words 'lazer tag'.

"So I'm in the car with Will, Kenzie, and Johnny. Lilia, Annie, Jayden, Hayden, and Armani are in another car. And I'm pretty sure Lexi, Maisy, and Joey are in one. And then Bryson and Bryce." She says.

"Anyways. I guess I'll see you when we get there-" Lauren tries. And with that, Kenzie interrupts turning up the music like 10 notches when Why comes on.

"TELL YOU I DONT WANT YOU WHEN ALL I REALLY WANT IS TO TELL YOU THAT I MISS YOU!!!" She shouts, more than sings. Will and I burst into laughter and Lauren rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"And Kenzie has been scream singing Johnny's songs for the whole car ride!!!" She announces to the camera, yelling over the music.

"I PUSH YOU AWAY BUT I WANT YOU TO STAY GOT NOOOO EXCUSE!" Kenz continues, ignoring Lauren's remark.


"I DONT KNOW WHY WHY WHYYYYY!!" Will sings and I laugh, not thinking he knew it.
"IM SO AFRAID TO TRY TRY TRYY" Kenzie sings and Lauren sighs.

"Please help me." She whispers to the camera. "Okay see you when we get there." She says louder.

"Kenzie please calm down." I say to her, turning the music down a little and she frowns and just quietly sings.

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