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"What's in the bag?" Dan questioned me as I got onto the passenger seat. "It's just a small gift for Elon. I felt bad since I broke his mug, so I decided to get him a replacement." I state, buckling the seat belt. "And where's my gift, huh?" Dan questioned, his right eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. "I knew you were going to say that." I laughed out, playfully smacking his arm. "That is why I brought you my famous chocolate chip cookies!" I happily let out, presenting him a box of cookies.

"Mmm they look absolutely delicious." Dan praised. "But that's way to much for me to eat." Dan stated. "I know, silly. I brought them for our coworkers too." "I bet they'll love your cookies as much as I do." Dan replied, giving me a big smile. "Aww thanks' Dan. I hope they do, cause I put a bunch of Amor into them." I state, giggling along with Dan. 

After a few minutes Dan pulls up to HQ's parking lot and we walk in, Dan happily eating his cookie. I wave goodbye to Dan and walk into the break room. Checking the time it's 5 minutes till 4:00pm and I quickly walk towards Elon's cubical. With Elon's gift at hand, I make my way through the offices till I reach the office doorway.

With no hesitation I walk in and see Elon on the phone. I quickly walk in, and patiently sit at my desk. As I'm sitting I begin to file some reports that I didn't finish last Friday. Few minutes into work I start to get annoyed of my hair falling onto my face. Pulling the hair strands behind my ear I get back to work just for more hair to fall back into my face. "Geez come on." I say to myself before deciding to braid my hair into pigtails. "There we go. Now I can work." 

I get back to work and glance up towards Elon and see he's still on the phone, this time his face clearly frustrated. He soon ends the call and places the phone down loudly, his right hand rubbing his temples. "Should I or should I not?" I contemplate before getting out of my chair and walking over to Elon's desk with his gift. "Is everything alright Sir?" I timidly ask. 

"Everything's just fine." He answers back, lifting his head to look at me. "That's good to hear." I answer back with a small smile. "Oh, before I go on, I got you something." I state as he gives me a quizzed look. "Wha- You didn't have to. It's- It's not a holiday. Is it?" "No, no. Just open it." I state, handing him the basil green bag. 

"I still feel bad about last weeks accident." I confess biting my bottom lip due to the nervousness I'm feeling. Opening the paper bag Elon pulls out the black ceramic mug painted with Alaskan mountain's and colorful northern light's. He seems to inspect the mug to it's last detail. "D'you paint this yourself?" He questioned, placing the mug down on the desk.

I inhale before answering. "Uh-yeah I did. It's cause I went to a ceramic class a few weeks ago and I got to paint my own design onto the mug. I was reading the story of Chris McCandless so I was inspired to paint what I thought would be a sight he saw in Alaska." After finishing  my rambling I see Elon with a smile that breaks and turns into a chuckle.

"Quite the story behind this mug. Th-thank you. You really didn't need to do this. Especially since you seem very fond of it." He states, standing up from his chair, mug in hand. My eyes follow him till he steps in front of the bookshelf and carefully places the mug down. He turns around and I give him a small smile as his steps continue to bring him closer to me. Now fully in front of me he raises his left hand towards my head, feeling him softly pat the top. "It would be a shame if it broke. I'd rather display your art. Thanks again for the gift." He said, as his hand on my hair stroke down one of my braids and linger as it reaches the end. 

Without thought I lift my right arm and place my hand on top of his and gently squeeze. "You're welcome Mister-" "Elon. Just Elon." He interrupted. "You're welcome Elon." I state feeling a blush creep up my cheeks and ears. We look at each other for only mere seconds, until he clears his throat. His hand moves away from mine and he quickly turns to sit down at his desk. I too leave towards my desk and sit myself down, the heat in my cheeks slowly fading. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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