The Interview

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Stepping into the building, I'm in awe. I never could have imagined stepping into SpaceX's Head Quarters. The doors close behind me as I walk further into the lobby towards the receptionist, my eyes continuing to capture all the elements around me.

"Um...excuse me Miss." I lowly manage to speak out. "Yes, Miss?" The light haired brunette replied. "I'm here for the internship interview." I quietly respond. "I see. Sign in here, please." The receptionist named Ashley stated, handing me a log-in sheet. I sign in and give the log back to her.

"That will be all, Miss. You can wait at the waiting area till you're called." Ashley disclosed, her arm directing me towards the back lobby area. Walking into the lobby I sit on the black seats established across an oval glass coffee table. Glancing down at my watch it reads 4:07 pm.

I patiently wait a couple of minutes, hearing the second receptionist call in people. I see many come out from the hallways with in 10 minutes, and usually they look like their about to have an emotional or mental breakdown. The look in their eyes make me start doubting myself, and I feel my anxiety build up. I take deep breaths, calming myself until I was interrupted by my name being called. "Nina Gonzalez."

"Yes, I'm here." I reply, raising my hand. "Right this way." The lady guided me into the hallway leading into the cubicle offices. I walk behind her and I notice we aren't heading into the left hallway, but rather the right side passage, into the cubicle stations.

"Are you alright?" The woman questioned. "Uh y-yeah. Just a little nervous." My voice quivered. "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Elon is very intimidating at first, but he's friendly once you get to know him."

"WAIT, WHAT! Did she just say Elon!? AS IN ELON MUSK!" I mentally scream, innerly panicking. I snap back to reality when she comes to a stop. "Just walk directly in, okay." "Yes. Thank you." I reply, standing frozen in place, feeling my heart racing and my palm's sweaty. Taking a deep breath I walk towards his office and see him sitting at his desk, eyes glued to the files in front of him."

"Aren't you going to come in?" He asked, with a deep calm voice, not once looking up at me. I quickly walk in, standing in front of his desk waiting patiently. "Take a seat." He ordered, and I immediately sit down. "Name." He demanded. "Nina. Nina Gonzalez" I manage to not stutter out. "You came 6 minutes late. Are you usually late?" "I know. I'm sorry. I'm never late, but I wouldn't have made it on time if I took the bus. But one of your workers was kind enough to send me a driver to drive me here." I chat away due to my nervousness.

"I need a simple answer when I ask you a question. I don't have time to hear you rambling. Do you understand, Miss Nina." He demanded, this time his accent very prominent. "Mhm." I nod in reply. "What was that? Use your words, Miss Nina." He commanded, his eyes finally raising up to see me. "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir." I answered, facing downward avoiding eye contact.

Silence filled the room for a few seconds, until I heard his voice again, "Do you have any qualifications?" "No, Sir, I don't. But I can learn fairly quickly." I respond, only for his office telephone to interrupt me. "Excuse me." He gestured, answering the call. The call ends and he places the phone back down with a  sigh. "Are you available tomorrow?" "Um...tomorrow? Yeah, I have  Saturday review for AP Biology. I'll be out by 12:00 pm." I replied. "Good. I.. um... I have to cut our meeting short, I'd like to continue tomorrow." He asserted. "I understand. I'll be sure to come tomorrow. Thank you for your time." I thanked him, with a small head bow.

Standing up and walking towards the doorway I see Dan. "Dan would you please take Miss Nina home." I hear Elon order Dan, who just politely smiles at me. "Sure will." He replies, handing me a bag of cookies, "A little snack." "Thank you, Dan" I smile at him, as we both walk towards the lobby. I turn my head around and see Elon behind us. "Goodbye Mister Musk. Have a good afternoon." He looked surprised and stuttered out a "Goodbye" before I walk out the clear door.

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