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It's been days since Elon gave me the work tablet and well, work is much easier. After I received the tablet, Elon ordered me to email him on the daily. All I do is email him his schedule that I set up and if there's any designs that need to be revised, I forward then to him. Sounds pretty easy, right? An easy task, yet I manage to get in trouble for it.

It was Monday morning, and I had my AP Biology exam that day at 8:00am. My mind was in shambles trying to remember how to calculate a populations equilibrium. I was so preoccupied in studying that it totally slipped my mind to email Elon. By the time the exam was over and I was in lunch, it smacked me. "Holey sheets! I forgot to email him!" I panic, spitting my apple juice.

I quickly rummage through my bag and find the tablet. I hastily send Elon the file, and a short apology attached. Heading to my last period I hope for the best. "Gosh I so stupid. How could I forget! Fxxk! I hope I didn't ruin my chances." 

The clock struck, yet I didn't find myself running towards Dan with my usual smile, instead I slowly moped. I slumped into the passenger seat and sigh, running my hands through my face. "I can take a guess as to why you're upset." Dan spoke, revving up the battery. "Yeah?" I sigh out. "Elon told me you didn't email him, plus some new designs." "Yup." I pop the p. "I completely forgot, and now I'm getting fired." I remark, anxiety building up inside. "He won't fire you, trust me. He's just a little disappointed, but don't worry, everything will turn out fine." Dan asserted me. "I really hope so."

Soon after entering HQ and heading towards Elon's cubicle, I felt tears swell up. My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding in my chest. I stop directly in front of Elon's office and let my tears roll down. "This is it. I'm fired for being incompetent."  

I flinch when I feel Dan's hands on my shoulders. "Look at me Nina!" He commanded, turning me around to face him. "Don't cry. One accidental mistake doesn't define you, you're still an excellent worker." He declares, as he places both his palms on my cheeks. "You'll see, everything will turn out fine. Stop your crying now, sweetheart." He added, his thumbs brushing away the tears rolling down. I take in deep breaths and held my head up high, entering the cubicle.

"G-Good afternoon, Sir." I manage to let out. "Hello. I've been waiting, we need to have a little discussion." Elon spoke out, his eyes piercing into mine. I take a seat anxiously fiddling with my fingers.

For the first time, I didn't want to be here. Taking a deep breath I speak up, "I''m fully aware of my fault and I'm truly very sorry. I-I promise it won't happen ever again!" I declare. He scans my face for a moment and adds, "I really can't afford mistakes like these. You're a good worker, but I need you to understand I can't have you forgetting your duty."

My mouth goes dry as the last words leave his lips and I bite my lower lip. My eyes feel like they're tearing up, as I give Elon a pleading look. "A-Are you o-officially firing me from the internship?" I questioned, quivering, trying not to let any tears fall. "I can't cry and look pathetic, it's my fault I'm in this position anyways." 

His green eyes widen and lock into my brown ones. "Oh...No! D-Don't misunderstand, Miss Nina. I didn't...erm...You're not fired!" He announced. "I'm what? I'm not fired?! I'm not FIRED!" I screech with joy, the biggest smile I could pull on my face. "Thank you so much, Sir! I won't let you down ever again. Thank you for this second opportunity." I gratefully thank him.

"I'll keep your word on that, Miss Nina." Elon remarked, a faint chuckle following. "This is your first and last warning." He added. I eagerly extend my arm and shake hands with Elon. "Thank you for not firing me, Sir."

"Now that everything's settled, we can start working." "Yes, Sir!" I chirp. "But first, your coffee." I mention, happily skipping out of his cubicle.

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