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The first days of work fly by. I'm introduced to more coworkers than I can remember. Each day flows the same; I make copies and run around the cubicles delivering paperwork or messages, or usually I'm either making Elon coffee every other hour.

By the third week I'm settled in the company. Elon got me a desk like he said he would, placed in the far end of his own cubicle. I insisted that it would be a bother and that I'll be fine with the desk being outside his cubicle, but he insisted it was much easier and more practical for work. In the end he got the last word and now I have my small desk in his office.

During the few weeks of working for him, I've come to realize just how engaged Elon Musk is in his companies. I admire his work ethics and how much effort he puts in the success of the companies, but sometimes I can't help but feel sad for him. And no I don't mean sad as in I'm going to cry or pity him, but more of the feeling where you just want to help a person as you see them destroy themselves slowly, yet can't manage to do so. I always try my hardest to help run errands and get his coffee, just so I feel like I'm being useful to him, even though what I do isn't much. It's around 6:25pm when I decide to bring Elon his cup of coffee. "Here you go, Sir." I said, placing the cup on the desk. "I..uh...I didn't ask for coffee." He mentioned, glancing up. "I know, Sir, but you usually ask for coffee around this time." I reply, sitting down at my desk. "Well, thank you." "Mhm, no problem." I nod, continuing to organize files.

As I'm finishing my work, I hear Elon call out to me. "Could you come to my desk." "Yes, Sir, just a moment." I reply, placing the reports down. I walk towards his desk and take a seat. "You've been working for SpaceX a few weeks and I've seen you're a hard worker, and I like that in my employees. He said, as a small smile grew on my face. "Thank you, Sir. I will continue to do my best." I declare. "I'm glad to hear that. You're an excellent worker and what I've read an excellent student as well." He mentioned. "I try my best." I reply, seeing his arms shuffle around his desk.

"Here. Take this, and use it from now on." He said, handing me a tablet. ", thank you, Sir." I replied, stunned. "It has all the information my previous PA inputted. You'll email me my schedule and work from now on." He stated, as I opened the tablet and skimmed through it.

"Wow. Your former assistant was very well-organized. All these files are so easy to manage." I declare, tapping through the saved files. "Yes, she is." He remarked. "Use the information provided to arrange my working schedule." "Will do, Sir. Thank you." I thanked him, walking back to my desk.

After getting the tablet I begin typing files to send out to the other workers. I prefer using the tablet, cause paper files are worse since I have to go around looking for the cubicle in all two  floors.

Glancing at my watch it's currently 7:07pm, when I hear Dan knock on the glass. "Time to go, Kiddo." He lowly said, grabbing my backpack for me. "Alright, just hold up." I reply, stacking the remaining reports on my desk, along side the tablet. "okay, we can go now." I state, walking besides Dan. Before we're out I turn to see Elon, "Goodbye, Sir. Oh-before I forget, if you need a file it'll be on the left drawer." I state. "Alright, thank you. Have a good night." He replied, nodding his head. "You too." I remark, heading out.

"Let's get some snacks before we go." Dan commented, as we  walked to the snack bar. "Heck yeah! Get me some Funyuns." I chirp out. We both get our snacks and happily walk with out chips and cookies at hand.

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