Hired or Fired

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"You must have caught his attention, he rarely meets interns, especially asks to see them again." Dan's words repeat themselves.

I sigh and drop my head onto my desk. "You alright, chula?" Nickte, my bestie in bio asked. "No. I have an interview with Elon right after study session and I'm freakin scared." I mumbled, my right cheek squished by laying on the desk.

"Shut the fxxk up! You lair!" She let out, rolling her eyes towards me. "I'm not lying. I swear I'm going to SpaceX to meet up with him for an internship interview." I said, looking at her dead serious. She stares at me for a while before speaking up, "You're being for real, huh." "Mhm." I nod. "Then stop looking like that. You're finally gonna meet the love of your life. What happened to the Nina that couldn't shut her mouth about how cute Elon Musk is." Nickte declared, chewing her gum rather loudly.

"I'm scared. I'm scared he'll think I'm incompetent and realize I'm just a stupid naive little girl." I gloomily confess. "Stop being stupid. You're legit the only person who's passing AP Bio with a high B. You're so smart, that even he's going to notice. So stop being depressed and be your regular funny dorky self." She stated. "Thanks Nickte, I sure hope so." I remark, before the teacher passed back my results.

"Try a little harder and you'll be able to pass the multiple choice section." Mr. G announced, walking away. "Look at you being a little scholar." Nickte teased. "Not even, I missed like half the questions." "Yeah, but you got the highest from everybody else." "You should study wit..." "Let's fix you up after class." Nickte interrupted. "Fix me up?" I questioned her. "Yeah, you have to look cute for Elon Musk. So pack your stuff up, class is going to end soon."

I pack my bag and rushed out with Nickte once Mr. G dismissed the class. Once we were in the restroom Nickte started to tug off my sweater. "Take off the under shirt, it kills the outfit. Show him that pretty collar." She demanded. I shrugged off the long sleeve, and get back into the black, blue beaded boat neck sweater. "Now face me. I'll do your hair."

Nickte combed my hair into my usual side parting with a strand of hair twisted along the side of my left ear. She insisted on me wearing lipstick, but let's face it I don't look good with color lipstick. Instead I applied my trusty rosy lips chapstick and not only do my lips look pink and glossy, they taste good too.

"Thanks for helping me. Now lets go before the bus gets packed." I told her rushing through the schools hallways. We both wait at the bus stop, till my bus arrives and I hop in. I arrive at SpaceX at around 1:49 pm. Before I get to sign in, the receptionist calls out to me. "You must be Nina. Mr. Musk is expecting you." I closely follow her towards Elon's office and walk in.

"Take a seat." He said, gesturing towards the chairs. I take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. "Let's get straight to the point. Have you ever had any experience with assisting?" He questioned. "No I haven't, but I have assisted teachers for almost my whole life." "What position are you capable of?" "I'll be honest, I'm not the brightest person, but I'm willing to work in any position that doesn't involve hard mathematics or heavy lifting."

The glance he gave started to make me more nervous. "How about being a PA. You do know what a PA does, correct?" "Yes, a PA assit's in every aspect they can." I reply, questioning why I signed up, "Of course I wasn't cut out for this."

"Do you think you're capable of being a PA?" "I...I'm good at running errands and I'll do my very best to serve my superior at my fullest." I declare, making eye contact with him for a few seconds. I bit my lip and waited for him to speak up. "I'm in need for a PA and even though you lack the experience I'll hire you. I see growth potential in you, but the moment you fuck up, you're done here. I have plenty of people lining up for this position. Understood."

"Yes Sir, I understood!" I eagerly replied, a huge smile growing on my face. "I will do my very best to not fail you, Sir." "Good. You'll report to my office Monday afternoon at 4:00 pm for a tour of the building."

Standing up I extend my arm towards Elon and we firmly shake hands. "Thank you so much for this opportunity Mr.Musk." I gratefully thank him, walking towards the open doorway.

"Wait a moment." He yelled out to me. I turn and look directly at him, waiting for him to speak up. "I've been told you live in Downtown, LA. I want to make sure you get to me whenever I need you so I've considered your placement and decided that Dan will be your chauffeur. With that said, I believe he's waiting for you outside." I smiled at him before thanking him, "That's really amazing! Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it, Mr. Musk."

With that, I walk out his cubicle, a wide smile plastered on my face. Stepping out the main door, I'm greeted by Dan in his black Tesla, ready to take me home. "I'm his personal assistant!" I yelled, throwing my arms up while Dan cheers me on.

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