On my Way

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"I'm collecting chapter 36 study guide on Monday, when we come back." My AP Biology teacher announced, as all my fellow classmates walked out of class. I stepped out of class with my textbook in hand, when my sick groovy ringtone alerts me of an incoming call. It was an unknown number so I was skeptical at first, but I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I warily greeted. "Yes, hello. Is this Miss Nina Gonzalez?" A deep toned man asked. "Uh, yes that's me." I replied, entering my last course of the school day. "Where are you calling from?" I questioned. "I'm calling from SpaceX headquarters in Hawthrone, California. It's regarding your interview for the internship you applied for. We're interested in an interview and wanted to know if you can come in this afternoon?" The man answered.

"Ah, yes. I'm currently in school till 3:12 pm. What time is the interview?" I questioned. "It starts at 4:00 pm, for all the students being interviewed. It's in alphabetical order." "Oh shoot. I don't think would be able to make it on time." I state, beginning to worry.

"Hmm, let me see what I can do. Where do you live Miss Nina?" He asked, clicking away at his computer. "I live by Downtown Los Angeles." I replied, hoping I could get my dad to take me out early and drop me off. "No need to worry Miss, we can have you picked up and brought here."

A wave of relief coursed throughout my body just then. "Really! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." I cheerily let out. "No problem Miss. Just need your schools name." "I go to RLC downtown magnet." I answered. "Got it. I sent you a driver to meet you at the main gate. Goodbye Miss Nina." "O-okay. Thank you so much. Have a nice day, goodbye."

I end the call and stare down at my phone in shock. "OH MY GOD! No way! Holy shyt, I'm going to SpaceX's HQ!" I excitably screech out, only for the girls around me to look at me weirdly.

I begin typing away, listening to some good K-pop bops (BtoB, Exo, Shinee, BTS) until I finish my schoolwork. I only have 4 classes, so each course is roughly 2 hours long, meaning I have extra time to spare once I complete my work. I glanced down at my watch and notice there was only 21 minutes left till class ends.

Letting out a long sigh, I mentally begin to recite my introduction and answers for the interview. A couple of minutes passed by and I'm realizing that my hair looks like a birds nest. "I can't go looking like a bum, they will never hire me if I look like this!" I panic out, searching through my backpack for my comb and hairclip. I comb my short Dora length hair into a side parting, and place a small black bow with baby blue flower print right on top of my ear, on my right side. "Hey...I don't look that bad." I quietly mumble to myself.

I gather all my belongings and orderly place them inside my bag. Looking up at the clock, I notice that the bell is about to ring. Soon enough the bell rang loudly, and I speed walk across the campus and run up the flight of stairs.

I continue to walk around the flat of the main gate until I reach the pick-up lane and see a black Model S Tesla waiting. I jog towards the car and the driver slides down the passenger window. "Miss Nina Gonzalez?" The jet-black haired man questioned. "Yep that's me." "Good. Get in." He dryly said.

I get in the passenger seat thinking the ride was going to be awkward and boring but as soon as we hit a red light, he speaks up, "Here, you can use the touchscreen and play some music." "Really?! You don't mind?" "No, go ahead." "Cool, thanks!"

The whole 36 minute drive, Dan and I where singing along to The Strokes and The Killers. We arrive at SpaceX's HQ and Dan parks the car and we both step out the vehicle. "You should hurry and get going, Nina." "Yeah, I will. Thank you so much, Dan. See ya!" I happily reply, going into the clear double doors.

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