Card Games

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The next day, I sat down with my group of friends at lunch and gossiped like we usually do. "Hey, Nina! You never told us how it went in the interview?" Heidi asked, munching on her non-spicy chips. "Oooh my DUDES! You're looking at Elon Musk's personal assistant!" I excitedly screech, my thumbs pointing towards myself, with a huge eye to eye smile.

"B*tch what the heck! How?!" Gizzelle interrupted. "Whatcha mean how, honey? I'm a bad b*tch, the fxxk!" I declare, snapping my fingers at the end of my sentence, laughter bubbling up. "OMG! Shut up, and tell us the details!"

"Alright, yeesh calm down." I reply setting my lunch down. "So on Saturday I went in for an interview and legit I was about to pee my pants. I was hella anxious and scared, but anyways we talked and he asked if I ever assisted and I said I had for teachers and that I'll do my best to serve my superior and all that jazz. At one point I was like why the fxxk did I apply, cause he gave me this blank unimpressed look. In the end he said he'll hire me as his assistant but if I fxxk up big time he'll fire me." I described, finally eating my sandwich.

"So yesterday was your first day, right?" My twin bestfriend, Cary, asked. "Yup. Right after school I went with Dan to SpaceX." I reply. "Hmm, Dan." "Whose this Dan?" My friends question. "Ooh shoot I forgot to tell you guys the best part. Dan is my Driver. Elon got Dan to drive me from school to work and then back home. He's a really cool guy." I declare.

"Ooo Nina, is this Dan hot?" Gizzelle asked. "Uhm...yeah, I guess he is. I've never really payed attention." I shrugged, packing up my lunch box. "What. Why not? I bet he's hot." Gizzelle added. "Yeah I guess you can say he is, but I just like being friends with him." I answered, the bell ending lunch.

The remaining three hours of school went by and soon enough I was with Dan in his car. During the car ride I kept thinking about what my friends we're implying, "Do I think Dan is cute?" Occasionally I would stare at him, and at one point he noticed. "Do I have something on my face?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Um... N-No you don't!" I stuttered, blood creeping up the tips of my ears. "Am I that handsome, you can't stop from eyeing me." He remarked, a cheeky grin played on his lips. Giggling I respond, "Don't charm yourself, Mr. Big Ego." "I'm just stating facts." He chuckled. "Mhm sure." I add, playfully rolling my eyes.

Stepping into HQ he continued, "Just look at me. How could anybody resist this." He declared, motioning his arm up and down his body. "You're right. How could any girl resist a handsome 30 year old man who still collects game cards." I laugh out, only to see Dan staring behind me. "Uhm...well...I'll see you after work, bye." Dan quickly said, marching away. "O-okay." I reply, wondering why he left so suddenly. "Weird"

"Ahem." I hear a man clear his throat, behind me. I turn around to see none other than Elon Musk standing directly in front of me, a couple of inches away. "H-Hello, Sir. I was just going to see you." I state, my cheeks growing hot, as I'm able to smell his cologne. "H-He still collects game cards?" He questioned. "Pfft, yeah he does, I've seen them in his car." I simply reply with a small laugh. Elon joins in and lets out a hardy laugh of his own. "Dan's got the biggest ego than anybody I've ever meet." I state, walking besides Elon to his office.

"I see you're getting along with Dan quite well." Elon mentioned, as he sat in his chair. "Yeah, you could say that. He's really chill, so it's easy to get along with him." "I'm glad you're both getting along. You'll soon get to interact with the other employees." Elon declared, looking through files. "That'll be nice." I hummed out, Elon continuing to scan reports.

After a couple of silent minutes I speak up. "If you need anything, I'm here at your service." "I don't have much work for you, but could you get me coffee." "Sure can." I reply, setting my bag down, heading out towards the coffee dispenser.

I pour coffee into a cup, and walk back to Elon's office. "Here's your coffee, Sir. Two packets of sugar." I said, setting the coffee down on his desk. "Thank you." Elon replied, taking a sip. "Why don't you work on your school work, cause I got no work for you." "Oh, alright. Thank you." I add, pulling out my binder and AP language textbook. I place the homework on my lap, and continue writing my essay. "I'll be sure to get one of the employees to set up a desk for you." Elon mentioned, typing away. I glance up as he continues, "So you could do your work." I smile before replying, "Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it."

The rest of the evening I worked on my school work, once in a while making copies for Elon.

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