Chocolate Orbs

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I'm pacing in my office, glancing down at my watch; 3:44pm. "Dan's almost here with her."  I think to myself, resting at the edge of my desk. I fiddle around with my phone, rereading her apology, chuckling to myself. In the month she's worked here I've gotten to see what type of person she is. She's optimistically cheerful, always tries to please others and the most apologetic person I've ever met. 

As I put my phone away, I receive a call from the office phone. "Yes." I answer. "Miss Nina has arrived." The secretary informed me. "Alright, thank you." I simply reply, ending the call. As I walk to sit in my chair, I stop on my tracks. I could hear footsteps shuffling outside the office walls. I slowly walk towards the door way and hide behind the wall. There's sniffling, which I can only assume come from Nina. In hearing this, I position my head closer so I'm able to see outside.

There she stands, hands wiping away her tears as Dan stands behind her with a worried expression. I'm about to step out, when Dan turns her around and tells her to stop crying. She looks up at him with her brown eyes, overflowing with tears. "You'll see, everything will turn out just fine. Stop your crying now, Sweetheart." I heard him reassure her, both his hands placed on her cheeks, thumbs swiftly wiping away her tears. Seeing this my eyebrows knit together, and my chest tightens. "What's wrong with me?!"

Quickly walking back to my desk, I shake the images of Nina away. "Its just the fatigue." I assure. Soon after Nina enters, small sniffles emit from her as she greets me. "Hello. I've been waiting, we need to have a little discussion." I announce, with a straight face and my eyes piercing into hers. In all honesty, I'm not necessarily mad at her, since she's a fantastic worker, but I knew if I showed her how disappointed I was, she would surely learn. Licking my lips as I'm about to continue, I'm won by Nina's stuttering apology.

Her apology consisted of sorrys and promises, but I didn't pay attention to any of it at all. Instead I focused on her child-like face stained with dry tears as I replied in a harsh dry manner, explaining my dissatisfaction towards her unfulfilled duty. As I finished my sentence I see her bite her lower lip, her brown orbs glassy from the held back tears. "A-Are you o-officially firing me from the internship?" She questioned, those chocolate-brown eyes of hers practically begging.

My eyes grow captivated to hers as I begin to stutter out my reply, "Oh...N-No! Don't misunderstand...M-Miss Nina, you're not fired!" I let out, completely in shambles due to overthinking. "Get a grip, Elon." I remark to myself, before Nina cheerfully screeches. She's smiling with the widest smile I've ever seen on her as she thanks me. We exchange a handshake and finish our little discussion in good terms.

"Now that everything's settled, we can start working." I announce. "Yes, Sir! But first your coffee." She declared, happily skipping out of the office. I chuckle at her gesture, a smile growing on my face. Within minutes Nina's back with my cup of coffee and we get back to work.

Sitting down at her desk she's still wearing a smile, blithely working on frame designs. Sipping on the coffee I can't help but feel at eased seeing Nina. "At least I made her smile." I settled with myself.

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