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Hermes was thinking for an excuse for leaving. Then he actually remember that he has a gift to give for Bell. He told two of his familia that he will come back to get the book. They nodded their heads, Hermes flies off and give a signal to Apollo to go and crash the Wedding. As this was happening Bell and Ais are now kissing. Everyone was jump up for joy then the doors were were just raid.

 Everyone were unarmed, as Apollo just comes out with a baby. Bell sees Shikure, Kuro and the Hades Familia charge to the Apollo's. Bell casts Dragon Belly, the floor becomes like a bounce house and Apollo get shot in back with flames. Shikure bounce to the floor where Ais catches him. Hades get PISS OFF that  HE BREAKS THE LAW.

He shows his true form. Now this form is like Obito ten tails form (from Naruto) but on his back is WHITE FLAMES and his eyes are mix of black and blue. "Apollo, you are not allow to touch anyone here plus our battle was after the Wedding not Now! You will go back to the god realm and I finish the job there and put you in HELL!" Bell see his father now remember that warmth, the same one before he left him. 

Apollo get cocky and also breaks the law and goes to his form. He is the same but bigger with a yellow u shape halo. Bell see this and get piss that he isn't strong enough then that a spirit came and gave a power to Bell. Kuro an Hades can sense something in the boy that gives some deja vu. 

Bell has enter in form, he has black hair with the inside being white, yellow eyes and cape made out of the same flames of Hades. Apollo was scared now, Hades and Bell were chanted something " THE PURE FLAME OF DEATH, RAGE  AND BLOOD  CALLS ME! NOW YOU WILL TASTE THE BLOOD OF HELL!" As this happen Apollo cast Sun Blast. Everyone is in a 50 miles radius away the battle,  Ais is hugging Shikure. 

A blast shoot out from the halo and Bell get a out of the away while Hades takes the blast to keep the damage limited. Crimson Red flames swollen up around Apollo burning him and since Bell also chant the spell is four times stronger than normal, normal will just do double but in scale to humans that will be a 200 times damage flame. Apollo is starting to disappear, Bell cast one more spell "Dragoon Bolt"  as a lighting and shadow dragon stream strike down to Apollo heart kill him in the progress.

When this was all done someone else appear, Ouranos. Hades form back and Bell did but is heavily damage. Ouranos took the two to his place.

Bell Cranel Son of Hades Where stories live. Discover now