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Hades, Bell and Ouranos has all enter a part of the dungeon. Hades heard rumors that this was the place where Gods get judgement and not the good like. "Hades you have broken the law, yes Apollo did as usual but he his now dead and no longer allow to come back. If I remember right you came to this world only to destroy it, then some how Gaia shows you to breed. It was a perfect plan to calm you down but laws are laws." said Ouranos , as he said this Bell wakes up to see his Father disappearing. 

"Goodbye Bell Cranel Fuego My son, The Son of Had..." Hades disappears. Bell cries that his tears turn into White flames. Ouranos hugs the boy. Bell knew the law that gods follow. "So what my Punishment." Bell said, Ouranos said this was it.  What he is experiencing that was Judgement. Bell get teleported to his house to see his family. Flare get a letter out of nowhere.

"For the Hades famillia, This now Bell famillia now." 

One week later* 

Bell was all heal up and was in his father library, he learn a lot of different types of magic but the magic spell he did with him isn't in any book or scroll.  Bell get out the room to see Shikure and Kuro at the door waiting for him. Ais seem to be with Loki famillia doing a mission. Toxi comes gave the baby, Kuro got mad and Bell went to the kitchen to make food for Shikure and the rest but it seem Beatri was already to be done with everything. Lavali  was in a mission during the third day of getting to know rest. Bolt was in the dungeon helping Loki's. 

Bell went out to get some things for their next expedition. He told flare and Kuro to hold down the fort. On his way to the store he runs into Hermes. Thought out week Hermes was punish by Bell and Ouranos. He gave a Bell a crystal that contain something that Bell might like. Hermes got a glare from Bell. Hermes flew off, Bell got some potions and shields. After he found all the supplies he ran into Ais.

"What ever happen to take care the baby Bell." Bell get scared and says that Kuro and Toxi wanted to take carry of him. Ais took the answer then they got home to see everyone asleep with two plates out for them. The two of them went to Toxi's room to see Shikure sleeping, then they went to their room. Ais wanted to sleep but at the same time to help Bell, Bell just says go to sleep. As she went to sleep he went into town to see a diner. As he turn around two drunks are trying to rape a girl. Bell cast scattering embers, the drunks runs away. The says thanks and that her name is Syr. 

Bell Cranel Son of Hades Where stories live. Discover now