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A few hours have passed and Gab and I have been getting along so far "hey I'm going to get something to drink ill be right back" Gab said to me "no its fine I think I'm going to go check on corpse and Jack" I said back to Gab with a smile as I walked to jacks recording room. I knocked on the door and heard jack yell come in "hey just wanted to see if you were done recording" I said walking in. I saw corpse and jack both look at me and thats when I noticed it, jack was live "oh no I'm so sorry" I said turning around almost leaving the room. "no no its fine Y/n you can come in" I heard jack say "ok" I said in a shy voice, I saw corpse pat his lap so I walked over to him. He grabbed me and sat me on his lap as jack continued his stream, I could feel myself getting tired as jack and corpse were talking to entertain the stream.

I got up off of corpses and he looked at me "you ok" I heard him say to me "ya just getting tired" I said smiling at him, he grabbed my hand and pilled me back towards him again but this time my chest was touching his. "are you sure" I said making sure it was ok for me to fall asleep on him "your fine" he whispered in my ear which made me blush, I put my head near his neck and felt myself falling asleep.


I woke up still on corpse but instead of being in jacks recording room we were in the living room and corpse was sitting on the coach "did you carry me all the way to the living room" I asked corpse "Ya I didn't want to wake you up" he said placing a kiss on my cheek. "you guys are so cute" I heard jack say as he walked into the living room, I blushed and hide my face in corpses neck


We were all at the dinner table having a nice conversation getting to know each other better, it was really fun I'm glad Corpse decided to take me with him. "So what are you guys" jack said, I froze I didn't really know what to say because me and Corpse agreed on taking it slow. Corpse grabbed my hand and held it "she's my girlfriend" he's said, I was slightly taken back by this but I was really happy he called me his girlfriend. "Oh" jack said in shock "I'm happy for you guys" he said with a very big smile, I tighten my grip with corpses hand with a big smile and say "thank you!"


I was getting everything ready for corpse and I to leave while he was talking to Jack and saying his goodbyes and thanks. I walk over to Gab and give her a really big hug " I'm glad I met you today I had lots of fun" "good I'm glad you had fun, I'm really happy for you and Corpse" she said with a smile and holding my hand "thanks I am to." I turn around and see that Jack and Corpse were done talking "you ready Y/n" I smile "yep!" "Thanks jack for having us" I said while giving him a hug goodbye. "Your welcome please come back anytime" he said waving us off.

Corpse and I where now in the car, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my thigh " I had soooo much fun today thanks for being me with you" I said as I giggled a little bit. "You're to cute you now that" he said as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. "Hey where are we going" I asked "I want you to see something" he said as he was driving us this big hill.

After driving up that big hill we finally made it to a little parking lot area you can see that there was a place you could sit and enjoy the view at. It was so beautiful you could see the whole city and not to mention the stars were so pretty embrace it it was literally like I was dreaming. "You like it" he said looking at me " I love it" I said while looking at the city then the stars, I run over to Corpse and grab his hand then run back to the place I was standing and made him lay next to me. " I absolutely love this" I said hold his hand while we looking at the stars "me to" he said giving me a kiss on my Forehead.

" I wish I would've known about this place sooner I would've come up here more often" I said laughing a little, "i'm glad you didn't know I want this moment to be special" he said smiling at me. My heart skipped a beat 'ugh I think I love him' I thought to myself as I grabbed his cheek and kissed him, he lifted me up and placed me on his lap. "I know I didn't ask before but I think this is the perfect moment now" he said wrapping his arms around my waist " Y/n will you please be my girlfriend" he said smiling. I can't explain how hot my face felt I can only imagine how red I am right now "yes of course silly" and said and he chuckled a little bit, I put both my hands on his face this time and kissed him.

I wanted this moment to last forever I never wanted it to end this is definitely a moment I'm going to remember for ever, after a while we started heading home 'this all feels like a dream' I thought and shut my eyes the rest of the way home.


Heyo um sorry it literally took me like a whole decade to finally finish this chapter but I hope it is to your liking :)

Thanks for reading my loves <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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