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(not edited)

(from now on I am going to call Sean, Jack because it is just easier) 

OMG I'm so sorry I realized I have been spelling Jack wrong this whole time i'm so sorry if this confused you :( I have fixed it now)

"yo what's up corpse glad you could come" Jack said walking up to Corpse and hugging him I was still really nervous so I just stood right behind Corpse waiting for then to be done hugging. Once they were done Jack instantly noticed me "Y/N" he said confused "hey Jack" I said waving my hand and walking out from behind Corpse. "omg what are you doing here" Jack said happily then giving me a big hug "Corpse brought me with him, I hope thats ok" I said hugging Jack back. "Of course thats ok your always welcome Y/N" Jack said giving me a soft smile then looking at Corpse "so what were you thinking on doing today Jack" I heard Corpse say while slowing walking towards me and grabbing my hand again. "I was planning on recording a YouTube video with you if thats ok" Jack said "ya sure man as long as I don't have to show my face" Corpse said. I looked up at Corpse and he looked sown at me "how about you hang out with Gab while Jack and I make the video" Corpse said while putting some of my hair behind my ear. 

"Fine but you don't need to treat me like a child about it" I said letting go of his hand "you sure are as tall as one" I heard Corpse say as I was walking off "oh whatever" I said back as I heard him chuckle I smiled and continued to walk to Gab's office. "hello, may I come in" I said while knocking on the door "ya sure come in" I heard her say. "hey is it right if I hang with you while Jack and Corpse record" I asked her "yes I wanted to talk to you about something anyway" she said with a smile on her face. I sat down and looked at her "what was it that you wanted to ask" I said, I was kinda nervous "sooooooo, you and Corpse" was all she said. I blushed a bit as I was in shock I didn't think he would ask about that "ummm, what to say to that" I said back while putting both of my hands on my cheeks trying to calm down. "well we both decided we wanted to take things slow" I said looking at her and giving her a smile "hm, well I'm glad you guys have it figured out and I hope it works out for you guys" Gab said with a big smile "ya I hope so to" I said back. 


HEYO!! Im so so sorry this is a very short chapter and I haven't posted in a long time, I've been really busy with school and trying to work on my mental health. 

the next chapter that will being coming out next will be longer than this one, I just thought I should post something for you guys. 

Also THANKS SO MUCH for 2.2k reads I can't believe that and again so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while plz enjoy :)

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