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"guy from the store?" I said with a bit of shock and confusion in my tone, "wait wait wait, you guys know each other" Jack said really loudly "so it is you y/n" the guy with the deep voice said "yep, wow I didn't think I would be talking to you again this soon, I never got your name by the way" I said to him "you can just call me Corpse" He said "ok" I said back. "wait so do you know what he looks like y/n" Rea asked me "yes, but why would I tell you" I said with an attitude, Corpse giggled at my answer and said "she didn't see my whole face I had a mask on", "so is he hot y/n" Rea asked "again why would I tell you" I said raising my voice a little, everyone started laughing. "we've never seen y/n's face either sense she doesn't stream, so Corpse is she pretty" Sykkuno asked, "yes actually she's very pretty" Corpse said which made me blush "thanks" I said taking it as a compliment. "ok guys lets started the game" Poki said and with that we all started playing 

_______(I'm so sorry I'm not good and writing the stuff that happens in the game so please forgive me)_________

Its been a few hours and I was starting to get tired "hey guys I think it's time for me to head out" I told all my friends "ok goodnight y/n" Lily said, and one by one all of them said good night to me. I logged off and went to my bed room and got some PJ's on.

(The PJ's, sorry if you don't like them you can imagine anything) 

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(The PJ's, sorry if you don't like them you can imagine anything) 

3rd Person POV

After you got you Pj's on you laid in you bed and put your favorite anime on, you laid there for a while watching your show until you heard your phone ding. You grabbed your phone and looked too see was the notification was from, it was from Corpse he just started following you on discord. You put your phone back down to continue watching your anime until you phone dinged again. Corpse had sent you a message, you were a little hesitant to look at it because you didn't know what he was going to say. 

Y/N and CORPSE Messages 

CORPSE: Hey y/n 

                                                                                                                                             YOU: hey Corpse what's up 

CORPSE: nothing I just got done playing among us with everyone

                                                                                                                           YOU: oh so you wanna talk for a bit 


                                                                                                                       YOU: what do you want to talk about 

CORPSE: I'm to lazy to text so why don't we call, this is my number ***********

                                                                                                                                YOU: ok:) here's mine **********


I was a little nervous to talk to Corpse on the phone but I wanted to talk with him more so I tried to calm myself down. I heard my phone ringing and saw Corpses number on it, I answered right away "what's up" I said "nothing much, just got done playing among us" Corpse said while I laughed. "I got pretty bored after a while" I said while still laughing "I had nothing better to do so I played for a while" He said while giggling a bit. "well what are you doing right now" I asked "I'm just laying down, what about you" he said "I was watching my favorite anime" I said while I went to grab the remote. "really you like anime what do you watch" he asked "I honestly watch everything I just really like anime so I don't care" I said to him turning my show back and turning the volume down low so I could hear him still. "honestly I've never been able to watch a lot of anime so I wouldn't know" he said kinda sad "what!!!" I said loudly "one of these day I'm brining you to my house and were going to watch anime together" I said to him smiling. "are you asking me on a date Y/N" he said you could tell he was grinning just by the way he said that, it made me blush at bit "haha funny after we get to know each other then maybe" I said to him with a grin on my face.

"your an interesting one Y/n" he said laughing "ill take that as a compliment Corpse" I said back laughing as well, "today was crazy" I said to corpse will turning and looking at my ceiling "ya it really was" he said back. "I wonder if I still would have met you if I hadn't seen you at the store today" I said to him thinking about what happened at the store "you probably would have sense your friends with Lily" he said. "ya your right even if we wouldn't have met today at the store we would have met eventually" I said with a smile "I think its funny" I said giggling "why do you think that" he said confused "because fate decided for me to see some what of face" I said still giggling. "well great thats just awesome" he said sarcastically but then laughing after words "today was a great day, I was really stressed out because its my first time living alone but all my stress is gone thanks to you" I said with a big mile on my face "well I'm glad I could help you Y/n" he said smiling. 


We talked for a while longer and I was starting to get tired "I'm getting pretty tired Corpse" I said even though I didn't want to end the call I still wanted to talk to him on the phone "oh ok good night then Y/n" he said getting ready to hang up "WAIT.... don't hang please" I said 'oh my god Y/n you idiot' I thought to myself "ok" was all he said. "will have a face time sleep over" he said with excitement "face time" I said confused 'is he going to face time me' I thought to myself "ya you've already seen most of my face and I trust you" he said 'OMG he's going to face time me' I thought to myself with silently squealing. I pressed the face time button and he answered right away, when I saw face I put my hand over my mouth and blushed "what, what's wrong" he said worried "your really hot" is all I said, he put his hand over his head and blushed 'dumb dumb idiot Y/n' I kept saying to myself in my head. I set up my phone so we could both see each other, he was editing something on his computer so I laid there and watched as my eyes slowly started to close while I snuggled up into my blanket and fell asleep. 



 HEYO!! I'm so so sorry it toke so long for me to post the second chapter if I'm going to be honest I've been kinda sad lately and didn't really want to do anything, but I finally am felling better so I finished the chapter. 

Also happy thanks giving I hope you all are having an amazing day and I hope you like the chapter :) 

GOTCHA (Corpse Husband X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now