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word count 1149


I was at home watching TV like any normal day when all of a sudden I got hungry, I went to my fridge to look and see what I had but to my surprise there was little in there or at least nothing that looked appetizing. I debated on whether to go to a restaurant or just go to the store and stop being a lazy bum, so in the end I decided to go to the store, I got dressed in some nice cloths, sense i'd be there a while getting food. 

(what you were wearing sorry if its not your style) 

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(what you were wearing sorry if its not your style) 

3rd person POV

Your parents were pretty rich and sent you a few hundred dollars a month sense you are just starting your own life by yourself. You liked to play games on your free time but you never considered being a YouTuber or ever streaming yourself playing them, although you had a few friends who liked to play with you and they would stream. You got in your car and started to drive to the store it was only a 15 minute drive, you started listening to your favorite song on the car ride there. When you got there you parked your car and made sure to lock it, you have a little bit of anxiety when it comes to being in big places alone. You are only 19 and this is you first time living alone and this is you first time going to the store and shopping for yourself, you would usually have your mother help you or tell you what she needed but this time it was all up to you to take care of yourself. You were ok with that though you need to learn how to take care of yourself eventually. When you got inside you toke a deep breath and told yourself you can do this, you started walking down the fruit section because you really like fruit. You didn't want to over do it with the fruit so you moved onto the next thing which were snacks. When you got to the snacks section of the store you looked around for your favorite snacks, you almost got all of your favorite snacks except there was one more left. You found it but sadly It was on the top shelf and you were to short to reach you were only 5'3 (sorry if thats not how tall you are) you tried really hard to reach it, you even went on your tipi toes.


I was starting to get annoyed at the fact that I couldn't reach one of my favorite snacks, I was just about to give up until a tall man reached up and grabbed it for me. I looked at him and he had a mask on so I could see his face, he had really curly black hair, it wasn't long but it wasn't that short either. He was at least five or six more inches taller than me, "is this what you wanted" he said with a deep voice 'wow thats a really deep voice' I thought to myself. I stoped staring "yes it was, thank you very much" I said to him with a soft smile, he had a pretty good fashion sense to 

 I stoped staring "yes it was, thank you very much" I said to him with a soft smile, he had a pretty good fashion sense to 

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(thats what I think he would wear but you can imagine anything you want) 


"thank you so much again" I said smiling "no problem you looked like you were struggling" he said to me, "really, thats embarrassing" I said while putting my hand on my head. He laughed a little and it made me blush 'his laugh is so adorable' I thought to myself, "well I think ill be on my way, have a good rest of you day miss" He said "ah call me Y/n, and you to" I said kinda not wanting him to leave. "alright then Y/n Goodbye." He said my name omg i'm going to die I thought in my head "bye" I said back waving with a smile. I continued shopping for stuff that I need and some stuff I didn't need, come on lets be honest here we all go to the store and get stuff we don't need sometimes. I was done with my shopping and went to the car to put everything away, when I was done and going to put my cart away I saw that guy again he was getting in he's car ready to leave. When I was walking back to my car all I could think about was if I would be able to see that guy again, 'wow I sound like a stalker' I thought to myself and giggle. On my way home I played more music singing along with it, it felt like I got home way faster then I did to get to the store. 

When I got home I put all the food away and sat down on my couch there where still a bunch of boxes everywhere because I hadn't finished unpacking yet. I was sitting on the couch and started to get really bored I wanted to do something, so I texted some of my friends on discord and asked if anyone was playing a game and if I could join in. One of them texted back and it was Lily  she said they were playing among us but they were already in a game so I needed to wait until they were done. After I saw the text I walked over to what I like to call my gaming room and started setting everything up to play, I waited about ten minutes before Lily told me I could join. "hey guys" I said into my mic "hey Y/n" Lily said "omg Y/n we missed you" Sykkuno said "I missed you guys to" I said while Giggling. "Y/N?" Someone with a deep voice said 'omg it's him' I thought to myself "guy from the store?" I said with a little bit of shock and confusion in my tone.  



HEYO!! this is my first X Reader that I will be publishing I hope you guys like it, I know we all love Corpse and everything about him so I hope this book I'm writing is to your liking :)

Im sorry about the ending I will be posting the 2nd chapter really soon so plz wait, I know how frustrating it is to wait for new chapters to come out but I will try to post new ones as much as possible. 

Thanks for reading hope you like the next chapter :p

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