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I woke up the next morning and sat up, my eyes where half way closed while I yawned and stretched it toke a moment before I realized I had a face time sleep over with corpse. I imminently turned to my phone and looked at it, I could see myself on the screen because it was facing me 'god I look like a crazy person' I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone from my night stand and wondered if Corpse was awake "um.. Corpse" I said in a some what shy way because I didn't know if he was awake yet, "whatup baby" he said right away I blushed at the fact he called me baby. "Corpse your such a flirt" I said laughing "only for you" he said back laughing as well, I looked at my phone again and saw Corpses face which made me blush, but then, I saw me 'I STILL LOOK LIKE A CRAZY PERSON' I thought to myself blushing even more. "good how embarrassing" I said quietly but he still heard me "no its cute" he said which made me give him the look, the you don't have to lie to me look you know "oh shut up you flirt" I said giggling. I got up and brushed my teeth and then hair "hey I think I'm gonna take a shower so ill text you maybe tonight" I said to Corpse "ya ok text me" he said then hanging up. "man I didn't want to hang up but I was going to have to eventually" I said to myself out loud. 

Right before I was about to get in I got a texted from Lily saying she wanted me to come over and hang out with her, Toast ad Sykkuno obviously I said ye back and hopped in the shower. Once I was done I blow dried my hair and went to my closet and picked out an outfit for the day. 

(the outfit you put on, again you can imagine anything you want) 

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(the outfit you put on, again you can imagine anything you want) 

After you where done doing your hair and getting dressed you put on a bit of mascara and texted lily you where headed over. On your way there you listened to some music you put on Therefore I Am by Billie Eilish and started jamming to it. You where finally there and walked up to the door and knocked, Sykkuno was the one who opened it for me "hey Sykkuno" I said with a wide smile on my face "hey Y/N" he said back while letting me in. When I walked in I saw Lily and Toast "what up guys" I said to them while waving "hey Y/n" they both said back, "we made lunch you should come eat with us" Lily said "yes I would love to" I said back. It had been a while sense I hung out with Lily in person and I missed her a lot "so what do we plan on doing" I said to all three of them "where going to stream among us" said Toast "what" I said confused. "I don't have any of my stuff" I said "thats ok you can just join my stream" Sykkuno said with a smile, I looked at him and smiled back "your so sweet Sykkuno" I said to him while cupping his cheeks. 

Sykkuno and I went upstairs while Lily and Toast went to there rooms, when I walked into Sykkuno's room I thought I was super cute. He pulled up a chair for me to sit next to him while I waited for him to set up his stream, "hey everyone this is Y/n and she'll be streaming with us today" Sykkuno said to all his viewers. "hey" I said while waving to the camera, while Sykkuno was pulling up among us I was reading the comments and a bunch of people where asking if we where dating "no guys where not dating" I said to the viewers with and awkward smile on my face "ah I'm so sorry Y/n" Sykkuno said embarrassed "no no its ok" I said to him. "ok where all set up lets join the discord" Sykkuno said looking at me all I did was nod "hey guys" Sykkuno said to the group "hey Sykkuno" I heard Corpse say "hey guys" I said to the group as well "oh ya Y/n is with me" Sykkuno said a bit nervous. "what!!" corpse said raising his voice a bit "you ended our face time to hang out with him" he said acting all sad "to be fair Lily didn't text me until after we hung up" I said back to him. 

"are we going to completely ignore the fact you guys where on a face time together" Jack said with his Irish accent, "we had a face time sleep over" I said happily "ya so what" Corpse said "ok then" Jack said to both of us. "well putting that aside can we start the game" Rea said "I agree" Felix said after her and with that I watched a Sykkuno played with everyone, but every two or three games we would switch with each other because he felt bad.


I was getting ready to leave and grabbing all my stuff, after I was done saying my goodbyes I walked out to my car and sat down until out off no where my phone went it was from Corpse 'how dare you' he texted me 'oh you big baby, I'm leaving now text you when I'm home' I texted back. With that I put Therefore I Am back on because its a great song and started heading home. 



 HEYO!!Sorry this isn't as long as the other ones but I hope you still enjoy reading it and to be honest I have no clue what to do for the next chapter so if you have any ideas please tell me thank you :)

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