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 I didn't edit this so sorry if there are mistakes, I will edit it later.

Y/N POV (then next morning)

Right when I got home I went straight to bed and totally forgot to call/text Corpse when I got home and so this morning I woke up to my phone going off and 3 missed calls and 15 missed texts from corpse. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone and answered the call "hello Bubs" I said with a raspy voice because I just woke up "Y/N are you ok you didn't call me last night." Corpse said with a worried tone "I was so tired I most have passed out right when I got home" I said rubbing my eyes still trying to wake up. "oh thank god you scared me I thought something happened" he said sighing in relief "aw sorry Bub I didn't mean to scare you" I said smiling at the fake that he was worried for me. 

I get out of bed still on the phone with Corpse "so what are you doing today" I asked as I headed to the kitchen to make a cup a coffee "nothing much, might stream this after noon." Corpse said "ya I wasn't planning on doing anything today" I said waiting for my coffee to be done "well do you wanna come to my house" Corpse said I was a little shocked he's inviting me over to his house. "wait really" I said with my hand over my mouth "ya ill pick you up" he said he sounded like he was smiling "no no ill drive over there, I need to get ready and when I'm done text me the address." I say with a smile on my face "ok can't wait" Corpse said I was so exited that I totally forgot that I had just made the coffee and that it was still hot, so I toke a sip and then screamed "what's wrong" Corpse said raising his voice in worry "that was hot" I said as I giggled a bit. I could tell Corpse was laughing to "ok I'm gonna go get ready" I said to Corpse "ok text me when your done and ill send the address" Corpse said then hung up. 

___little timeskip____

I just got out of the shower and was now brushing and blowdrying my hair and put my cloths on. 

(again you can imagine anything)

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(again you can imagine anything)

When I was done putting my cloths I put in a bit of makeup and grabbed my bag and my phone and texted Corpse I was done, he texted me his address and I headed over on my way there I play one of his songs (which ever is your favorite) and was singing it on my way to his house. I finally made it and his apartment didn't have a lock on it, it was one of those code locks it was pretty fancy. I knocked on the door and Corpse opened it imminently I was kinda shocked at how fast he opened it it was like he was waiting at the door I looked up at him and smiled "hey Bubs" I said and hugged him. 'OMG he smells so good' I thought as I was still hugging him he was so much taller then me and it felt good to hug him, once we where done hugging I toke a good look at his outfit him and I have very different styles but it looks cute on him though. 

(what corpse was wearing you can imagine anything though)

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(what corpse was wearing you can imagine anything though)

"come in" Corpse said getting out of my way so I could walk in "so what are we doing" I asked him while I was taking a good look around his apartment "honestly was to exited you were coming over I didn't think of anything" he said searching the back of his neck. "thats ok" I said smiling at him "what about a scary movie" he said with a grin on his face I gained back and said "your on" we both sprint to the couch Corpse got there first but as he was sitting down on the couch I tripped over his leg and fell on him. I looked into his eyes for a second and started laughing after I started  laughing Corpse started laughing to, once we stoped laughing he picked me up off him and put me on his lap as he reached for the remote and puts on a scary movie (you can chose any scary movie).

Half way through the movie I was still sitting in Corpses lap so he raped his arms around my waist and rested then on my stomach as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I turned my head to face his face and accidentally kissed his cheek I blushed right after word and turned my head the other way, he grabbed his cheek and looked at me "did you just kiss my cheek" he said with a smile on his face. "maybe I did what are you going to do about it" I said I was embarrassed I couldn't even look at him "oh ill show you what ill do" he said with a big grin on his face. Corpse then grabbed my cheek and then kissed the other cheek after he was done I looked into his eyes with shock and blushed bright red, red as a cherry "there now where even." Corpse said while lifting me up and heading into the kitchen as I sat there still on the couch "want anything" Corpse said as he was getting a glass of water "water please" I said. 

After getting my glass of water I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was four in the after noon, I got at corpses house at twelve "hey Corpse I think its time for me to go" I said with a sad face I honestly never wanted to leave. "ok I see you out" He said with a sad face as well he must have not wanted me to leave either "I had a lot of fun today next time you coming to my house" I said with a smile and grabbed his hand. "ya so did I" he said while intertwining our fingers as I blushed a little bit "well bye" I said as I was about to leave he pulled me closer him and pecked me on the lips. I was cherry red again "ok now bye" he said with a smile and waved 'OMG OMG OMG he kissed me' I thought 'do I like him' 'does he like me' I thought as I was walking to my car. 

I was now half way home and realized that I forgot my phone at Corpses house "fuck" I thought as I turned around heading back to Corpses house thank god he gave me the code to his house so I could come over whenever I wanted to. As I got back to his house I put in the code and walked in "BUBS I LEFT MY PHONE!!" I yelled. 



HEYO!! I'm so so sorry for not posting the 4th chapter I honestly didn't know what to do for it and again I haven't been feeling myself lately and school is stressing me out. 

I hope you like this chapter, I'm thinking about posting the next chapter tonight because I already have an idea of what Im going to do but if I don't post tonight I promise I will tomorrow :)           

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