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I woke up the next morning in Corpses arms It felt good to have someone to wake up with and cuddle. I looked at him for a bit the gave him a kiss on his forehead and got up and went to the kitchen, I looked around for a bit and found eggs and bacon so I decided I would make that. while I was making in I could hear someone in the bathroom "he must be up" I said still continuing to cook breakfast. I felt hands creep around my waist and a head lean on my shoulder "good morning" I said resting my head on his head "good morning" Corpse said back and kissing my forehead. 

"What you making" Corpse asked as he sat down at the table "eggs and bacon" I said and I was getting out plaits to put the food on. I get everything set up for us to eat and as we sat there eating corpse said "hey do you wanna go somewhere with me today" I was a little confused "ya where do you plan on taking me" I said with a smile "Seán house" Corpse said. "wait what!" I said in shook "what about you face" I said after "he's already seen it, we had dinner together once" corpse said "oh ok then" I said with a smile. After we were done with breakfast I asked to take a shower but then realized I didn't have cloths so corpse got in the shower instead and was going to get ready here then we were going to go to my house so I could get ready. 

He just got out of the shower and is now getting dressed as I sat on the couch waiting for him to be done when Corpse was done he came out with a towel on his head drying his hair not gonna lie he looked so hot with the towel on his hair and the outfit he was wearing. 

( what he's wearing) 

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( what he's wearing) 

"you almost ready to go" I said getting up off the couch "yep" corpse said taking the towel off his head raping it around my neck and pulling me in for a kiss, "your funny" I said putting my hand on his cheek and kissing his forehead. "get your shoes on lets go" I said grabbing my keys and going out to my car. once he got in the car I turned on some of Corpses music and was jamming to it while he sat there embarrassed I just held his hand while still jamming out to his music. 

We got to my house and I was a little embarrassed to show him my house "sorry its a little messy" I said putting my hand on my neck "its fine babe" corpse said which made me blush like crazy. "ok I'm taking a shower now make yourself at home" I said walking to the bathroom getting in the shower. when I was done taking a shower I walked out with only a towel and corpse was right there "ahh" I screamed a little bit "wow your hot" corpse said looking me up and down. I hit his arm "oh shut up you flirt" as I heading to my room "only for you babe" he shouted which made me laugh 'not like I haven't heard that before' I thought as I was picking out my cloths. 

As I was picking my cloths out I thought to myself I want to match with Corpse so I picked out a pair of cloths that would match the ones he was wearing. 

(what you picked out) 

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(what you picked out) 

I finally got dressed and walked to the bathroom to do my makeup and a few seconds after getting in the bathroom I see corpse in the mirror "hello beautiful" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "your cute" I said putting my hand on his cheek and then going back to doing my makeup "you look really good in that style" Corpse said looking me up and down. "you think so I don't really wear this kind of stuff" I said back to him looking at my outfit "yes you look hot" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek then leaving the bathroom. 

After I was done getting ready corpse asked for my keys and told me he would drive to Seans house so I gave him my keys and we were off to seas house. On the way there I was a bit nervous I've never met Sean on person and now I'm going to his house "you nervous" Corpse said grabbing my hand and holding it while still driving. "ya a little" I said taking his hand and kissing the back of it "your adorable" he said "were almost there" he said right after and then started to pull into what I assume is Seans driveway. 

We got out of the car and walked up to the door and knocked then a girl answered the door which is probably Seans girlfriend the he has told us about before "hey guys come in" she said the gesturing for us so come in. "thanks gab" I heard corpse say "her name is gab" I whispered "yes" Corpse said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. 

(I did a lot of research about Seans current girlfriend and what her name is and I know her real name is Evelien but im going to call her gab because he gamer name is gamergirlgab)

"Seans in the kitchen" Gab said then heading into what I think is her streaming room corpse and I walked into the kitchen and saw Sean "yo what's up corpse glad you could come" 



HEYO!!! im making chapter 7 as your probably reading this sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter I've been remodeling my bedroom and its been a lot of work to deal with. 

I hope you like this chapter and if chapter 7 isn't out by tonight it will be out tomorrow :)

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