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Not edited, will edit later:) 


"BUBS I LEFT MY PHONE" I yelled as I walked to the living room "hold on guys I'll be right back" I hear Corpse say from his office 'who is he talking to' I thought as I found my phone on the coffee table. Corpse comes walking out of his office "who where you taking to" I said as he was walking towards me, he cups my cheeks and kisses my forehead "I'm doing a livestream" he said. My eyes widened "oh no I'm sorry did they hear me" I said looking down I felt embarrassed "no no your fine"  Corpse said while lifting my head up and smiling "wanna join me" he said "can I" I said with excitement. 

Corpse grabs my hand and pulls me into his office and sits down in his chair then lifts me up and sets me on his lap "shh make sure to be quiet" he whispered in my ear all I did was shake my head and blushed. "sorry guys I'm back" Corpse said unmuting then muting hid mic "was that a girl corpse" Seán said "ya corpse who was that" Sykkuno said "umm idk" Corpse said with a grin on his face. Corpse was live-streaming among us with our group of friends so after Sykkuno and Seán stoped asking who It was who yelled they started the game. 

Rea's body was found and Toast reported it as they were talking and investigating Lily asked where Corpse was that round "I was in security" he said as I looked at him and whispered 'liar' in his ear. After I said that I think he forgot he was streaming because he said "oh you think so" as he started to tickle me with a grin, "ahhhh no" I said laughing as he continued to tickle me. "Bub I can't breathe" I said still laughing Corpse then stops tickling me and puts his lips on my neck and blows on it to make me laugh again which I did.

After a few more seconds of laughing we both her Toast say "are you done corpse" which absolutely scared Corpse and I as we looked at each other "fuck I thought I was muted" Corpse said In his mic. "Is that Y/N" Lily said I  unmuted the mic and said "well to late now" I said to all my friends "Y/n why are you at corpses house" Rea said "cause why not" I said back. "lucky" Sykkuno said which made me laugh "Y/n wanna turn on the camera" Corpse said "wait but what about you Corpse" I said "ill just sit on the side" Corpse said back "but you are so comfy" I said. As Corpse was getting up and moved to the side where the camera could not see him, after he moved I turned on the camera and was very nervous because no has seen my face either not like I was hiding it I just never showed it. 

The only people who have seen my face is Corpse, Sykkuno, Toast and Lily   I finally turned on the camera and smile while waving to the camera "omg Y/n Your so pretty" Poki said which made me smile more. "so you sitting right next to Corpse, you see his face" Sykkuno said "ya, Corpse gimme" I said putting my hand out wanting him to give me his hand "see his hand" I said


"bye everyone" I said as I turned the camera off so corpse could say bye to his stream "alright bye guys thanks for watching" Corpse says before ending his stream it was now nine o'clock "wanna stay over." Corpse said which shocked me "sure" I said without hesitating he just smiles at me and walks over, lifting me over his shoulder and brings me to his bedroom   and lays me on the bed. At this point I am blushing like a tomato as he gets in the bed with me "what are you doing" I asked him "laying done with you" he said while getting under the covers with me. I was now starting to burn up as he started to spoon me we both laid there fora second "y/n" Corpse said in my ear "yes" I said back moving my body so I could see his face. "I think I like you" he said and for some reason I wasn't shocked I just started into his eyes and said "I think I like you to"  still looking into his eyes I could tell he slowly started to look at my lips as he put his hand on my cheek and moved closer to me. 

We kissed on the lips for a few seconds then broke off to catch our breathe then continued to kiss some more, after we toke our fourth breathe Corpse looked at me "I like you a lot Y/n" he said while putting his forehead to mine at looking in my eyes. "I want this to work out, so let's take it slow" Corpse said then kissing my forehead "ya me to" I said smiling and raping my arms around his neck and cuddling him. We played there for a bit and just enjoyed each others embrace "your the best" I said out loud which I didn't mean to "you are to" Corpse said with a smile looking at me "I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said blushing "you so cute" Corpse said grabbing me and pulling me closer to his chest, I could honestly get used to this I thought before I fell asleep in Corpses arms. 



HEYO!! so yesterday this book was at like 120 something reads and I look today and its now at 220 something, I never thought this would ever get that many reads.

 I honestly hope you like the chapters I'm going to create in the future, thank you for reading :)

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