Looming Threat

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            After his eventful day, Y/N decided to sit down and take a little break. He opened a bag of chips and began to munch. While putting a chip in his mouth, he felt a vibration against his thigh. He pulled out his phone and found out someone sent him a text.

'Weird' he thought. No one knew his number, no a single soul in Hell, well maybe besides Charlie, but even then she would put her name in the phone because it was an unknown number. A held a countdown within a text, one that was counting down from three days. Y/N freaked out internally, figuring he was a target and was going to be killed and whoever wanted to kill him gave him three days to prepare for a challenge for the hunter. Then, he shrugged it off.

"Probably Hell's version of telemarketers" he muttered as he closed the text and continued rummaging through his bag of chips. Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from outside the hotel and everyone faced towards the front door. Y/N gulped, as maybe the three days thing was real, and the countdown was off by three days.

            Everyone had their fists up or in some kind of defensive position. Then, the entire wall which the door was connected to was moved outside, and they saw the source of the noise. Alastor was humming a merry tune as he pushed a giant grand piano inside the hotel on a metal cart.

"Alastor, what the hell? We thought we were about to be ambushed!" Vaggie said, putting her spear beside her on the table. Y/N let out a breath of air, his mind calming down, knowing that no one could possibly know who he was and hunt him down, right?

"Well, I feel this place needed some delightful entertainment, more than it has offered, so I grabbed one of my pianos and brought it here" he said, as he adjusted it to be centered in the middle of the room and pulled the cart away, pushing it out the door and into the streets of Pentagram City. He snapped his fingers and Nifty quickly darted by, almost knocking Y/N over as she went to where the door once stood. She grabbed her tool bag out of nowhere and began to fix the wall. In less than thirty seconds, everything was back to normal. Well, besides the addition of the piano.

  "Hey Y/N," Charlie said, appearing behind you.

"Oh hey!" he said with a slight ounce of fear due to her coming for nowhere.

"It's time for your therapy!" she said cheerfully, heading to her office.

"Ok" Y/N said, as he left Alastor warding Angel away from the piano, afraid of him tainting it with his, well 'taint'.

           Y/N sat down on the couch, legs crossed looking at Charlie, who was grabbing his file out of a drawer and placing it on her desk. She pulled out a pen and clicked it, ready to begin the session.

"So Y/N, has anything changed about your opinions since last visit?" she said, checking her notes an checking her patient.

  "Um, I don't think so. Mentally at least" he said, creating a flurry of snowflakes in his hands, still trying to master his 'powers'.

"Ok," she said, with her pen scribbling against the notepad pages within Y/N's file. "Alright, well let's talk about your powers. How do you feel about them?" she said, admiring the gentleness Y/N had, trying to keep the small flurry continuous.

"Oh, I love them. I hope they come in handy" he said, noticing the fact he was creating, like ice and snow, instead of demolishing life like his corrupted side proved to be drawn to.

  "Ok, that's good. Another question about your powers. Why did you want them?" she said, clicking the pen against the desk, nervous about the answer she was gonna get, because this question would determine everything.

        "Uhhh" Y/N started, wondering if Al told her about his 'condition'. However, even if she did, possibly know, which she couldn't because Alastor, hopefully he knew that Y/N wanted to keep this secret. He just decided to tell Charlie what he told Vaggie the other night at the bar.

  "I just wanted to help out and not feel like baggage. Everyone here has powers or some kind of ability to help out. I just feel like the wounded puppy, or at least I did" he said, leaning back, trying to get comfortable. Charlie's shoulders relaxed and exhaled in relief.

"Good. Good good" she said, writing down with a giant smile on her face.

"Reason why you're extremely happy? Like more happy than usual?" he said, confused on why her brightness had somehow increased, making the area more, peaceful and calm, even in Hell Y/N felt relaxed.

"Oh, it's just that you answered correctly" she said, closing the folder and shoving it back into the drawer and closing it with her hip, and jumping on the couch, landing next to Y/N.

"Huh, what the h-" he began but she softly slapped his cheek.

  "No swearing in my office" she said, at least at one place in her redemption hotel there would be a no swearing zone.

  "Oh sorry, but what do you mean 'right answer'? How is there a wrong one?" he said, confused as the fear Y/N saw in Charlie's eyes as she asked the question was no where to be found.

"Well, after you told Vaggie you wanted powers. That following morning she came to me and told me you wanted powers and I asked why. Then, she told me exactly what you told me. It was a test, Y/N. I knew the answer. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable with talking to me and we could continue with therapy. I just needed to know you wouldn't lie to me" she explained, with a reassuring expression across her face. A well of guilt began to fill up inside of Y/N's stomach, knowing that he just doubled a lie, a lie about the part he hated about his life. 

"Ok" he breathed out, and then he got up before Charlie stopped him.

"Hey, here's my number. I know you feel like baggage but you're not" she said, handing him a slip of paper and rubbing his shoulder, trying to encourage his self confidence. "So, you can go get groceries for us. Husk used to get them, but kept getting wasted so we kind of lost him. Now, if you get into anything you can't deal with, you can just call me and I'll be right over" she said, feeling as if her kid just became legal to drive.

"Ok, cool" he said as he shoved the paper in his pocket and opened the door before she stopped him once again.

"Actually, before you go out there, there is one more thing I need to tell you about Hell before you go adventuring about" she said, rubbing her shoulder nervously.

"Alright, what is it?" Y/N asked, curious at what would make Charlie uncomfortable besides sex, drugs, alcohol, oh wait never mind.

"The whole reason I started this hotel was because I wanted to solve overpopulation in Hell, and the solution, that was and is still going on is the Cleanse" she said, her mind going to dark places.

"Yeah, you told me about that before but didn't tell me great detail" he said, closing the door and leaning against it, giving her his attention.

"Well, pretty much, Cleansers come and kill any demons out on the street, and anyone who is inside they don't bother, or at least if they aren't causing trouble. The reason I'm saying this is because it's going to happen in a couple of weeks" she said, her eyes dimming to the grim thoughts flooding her mind.

"Oh" he said, understanding he needed to stay in the hotel unless absolutely necessary.

"Well, sorry to leave it on a dark note" she said, as Y/N stepped out of the way, opening the door for her.

"It's fine, remember how I got here and what I went through to get to the hotel. I think I can handle a little dark" he said, reflecting on his troubling first few days in Hell.

"Yeah" Charlie mumbled as she went back to the lobby, and Y/N went to his room to watch TV, and maybe learn more about the Cleanse without upsetting Charlie.

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