Troublesome Pickup

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     It had been a couple of hours and Y/N hadn't slept. It was the next day but he was no closer to figuring out the Cleanse. Sure, he had learned about it, but never who created it or why it was never stopped, or what would happen if Hell overpopulated.  His theorizing was interrupted by a text. He picked up his phone and saw it was Charlie.

    Hey Y/N! Hope you're doing good and I didn't wake you up. Anyways if you want to get out, you have the opportunity because we need some supplies and food so could you go on a grocery rush? Thanks.

  Love, Charlie

        Y/N had sighed, and put the ramblings of definitions and timelines on the scattered papers into a single drawer, put on his black jacket and headed out. He went into the elevator he went into every day, and the shakiness and ding of the buttons had become a little song for him by now. It gave him peace, knowing he was safe. He slipped through the slow opening doors and saw Charlie, doodling a paper at the coffee table, clearly bored and waiting for something or someone.

"Hey Charlie!" he said, fixing his hair, realizing it had been a ruffled mess for the last eight hours.

"Hey Y/N, can you do the pickup?" she asked, dropping the pen next to the paper. She had been just doodling scribbles and rainbows, nothing important.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. I just need to know where the store is. Also, why are you by yourself? Shouldn't you been stopping Vaggie from killing Angel?" Y/N said, excited and nervous to go out, but this time a little more accepted by demons than just being freaked out and hostile towards him.

  "Oh, yeah here you go!" she said, tearing a piece of the paper off and writing the address quickly. "Yeah, about Angel and Vaggie. I decided to get to know each other better and get along better, I sent them out to post flyers about the hotel" she said, chuckling nervously at the end.

"Alright, but if one of them comes back, you know what happened to the other" Y/N said jokingly. Charlie had a little laugh, before getting an entire new piece of paper and writing a list. Y/N was confused at first then scolded himself for not knowing what it was to being with.

  "Here" she said, handing him the list. Y/N looked at it and saw the items they needed.

'A shopping list, you're an actual idiot Y/N' he thought as he shoved the paper into his pocket with a quiet scoff. "Alright, I shouldn't be gone long!" he said as he exited through the front door and closed it behind him. Charlie watched him leave, and then headed to her office, filing bills, therapist notes, and a lot of other stuff. She groaned as her desk life began for the day.

         It had been a few minutes and according to the directions, Y/N was only a block away from the store. On the sidewalk, not many demons walked, but there was enough. Enough to be shoved around as people brushed passed Y/N without a care, some demons trying to sell him stuff while others trying to seduce him. He ignored them and continued onwards. He was surprised he didn't die crossing the street because even though crosswalks are a thing in Hell, no one cares about him and someone snagged the back of his jacket on their mirror, and preceded to flip him off. He eventually saw the store in front of him and walked in.

He saw glass shards laid about and a few chunks of items were missing, but other than that it was just a regular gas station. He pulled out the crumbled list and started to get everything in a red basket. Was the red painted on there? Or was it just blood, Y/N didn't care. He eyed the list then the aisles and got what he desired.

  "For Angel, two pairs of sheets, three onions, twelve pickles and a gallon of lube, don't even want to ask" Y/N said to himself as he checked to make sure he had all of the pornstar's stuff. "For Husk, Fireball, Vodka, Rum, ok basically one of each liquor" he said as he shuffled past the tipped over display rack and grabbed one of each bottle from the drink section. "Nifty, cleaning supplies. Alastor, nothing. Vaggie, shampoo, and spear shiner, checked all of those!" Y/N said as he began to fill the basket up. "Charlie, paper and markers, the hotel needs meals, frozen is fine, cans, laundry detergent, wait we have a laundry room? Uh, anyways sodas and silverware" he said as he ran to each aisle and picked the last items. He went to the register and placed it on the counter, reaching into his pocket for money. His eyes widened, he didn't feel anything.

'Shit, she didn't give me any money' he thought as his face gave uneasiness.

"Hey sir, sorry but I don't have money but I can ge-" Y/N started but then realized something. The store clerk was dead with a dozen gunshots in his chest. "Oh" Y/N said, before grabbing his stuff and running off.

       He was over half way back to the hotel when he ran into trouble. He saw a small group of demons, consisted of five little demons  and with blunt, rusted, and bloody knifes.

'Great' Y/N thought as he put the basket down as the approached.

  "How much for the basket, dipshit? Just kidding, it's our now bitch!" the demon, the only one with more than black pants and a greasy white t-shirt. He had a leather jacket, identifying him as the leader. Two demons came from behind him and went to the basket, but Y/N used his newly added ice powers and froze one, grabbed the other, and smashed the frozen victim with the other demon's body. The unfrozen one laid in the icy remains of his crew member, and hundreds of icicles were stuck within him.

The other three ran at him, Y/N easily disarmed them and blasted them back into the street, which were run over by a van which promoted safe driving. How ironic. The other one Y/N had frozen to the wall, slowly being overcome by hypothermia. The one in the leather jacket had dodged all of Y/N's previous attacks, and when his knife was kicked out of his hands, he pulled out a gun and put his finger on the trigger. Y/N had put his hand on it, quickly freezing it as it fired. The bullet was a inch out from the barrel, frozen in Hell ice. The demon screamed and punched Y/N's jaw. Y/N then in return, blasted an icicle into his chest, which turned him into a giant dart and he faded off into the main part of the city. Y/N sighed as he grabbed his basket and continued his way home. However, he was hurrying this time, running back to the hotel, because one little fight was causing the veins to sprout. That would lead to what Y/N wouldn't even think off. He put all of his energy in his legs, now holding the basket in his chest, sprinting towards the Happy Hotel before it was too late.

        Y/N busted through the doors and slammed the basket on the counter. He saw Alastor polishing his piano, keeping it in pristine condition.

"Al! I need some blood" Y/N said, grabbing him. Alastor turned and the brightness in his smile degraded. He saw the veins all over Y/N, the corners of his eyes slowly turning black. He quickly reached under the piano stool, ripping the floorboard up and taking out a metal box. He opened it and grabbed a vial. He put it back in and shoved the vial down Y/N's throat, causing a slight choking experience before he swallow then his veins sinking back into the mark. "Thanks" he breathed out, as Alastor placed the floor board back as well as the stool.

"No problem Y/N, wouldn't want you to break my piano. It would not be very," he said, pressing the nearest key on the piano. "key." he said with a slight chuckle, walking away to check on Husk and Angel fighting in the kitchen. Charlie stepped out of her office and saw Y/N.

  "Hey! Did you get the groceries?" she asked, with him responding with gestured hand towards the counter to see the basket filled with all the items they requested. She smiled and ran up to Y/N to give him a hug.

"Thanks Y/N. I hope you didn't have much trouble" she said, sorting out the supplies.

"Oh, it definitely wasn't like Earth. But it wasn't terrible" he said, groaning and stretching, with his stress steadily going down. He headed to the elevator and stepped inside, ready to take a nap from the non delightful experience.

"Oh hey Y/N, I didn't give you any money. How did you pay for it?" she asked, turning towards the elevator but the doors had already closed. She sighed, ignoring he had probably stolen them and continued to sort and she grabbed her items, heading back to her office as she heard Angel ecstatic over his items.

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