The novel is owned by the author - Sylvia Plath. The summary of course I took from Google.
The Bell Jar details the life of Esther Greenwood, a college student who dreams of becoming a poet. She is selected for a month-long summer internship as a...
Esther and Constantin, the United Nations translator, meet for their previously arranged date. Constantin takes Esther to a UN session. As Esther watches a young Russian woman, a simultaneous interpreter, it occurs to her that she has not been happy since she was nine. She adds up the long list of things she cannot do and, for the first time, realizes how inadequate she feels. At dinner, she gets drunk and decides to let Constantin seduce her.
When she learns about Buddy's affair, Esther vows to "go out and sleep with somebody myself." She believes that the only real way to distinguish people is by their purity, and she is convinced that crossing this boundary line will change her life in spectacular ways. She recalls a boy named Eric she considers sleeping with, but he believes sex and love do not belong in the same relationship. When Eric says he might love Esther, she knows he will not want to have sex with her.
After dinner at Constantin's apartment, the pair listens to balalaika music, a type of Russian music produced from a three-stringed instrument. Esther remembers an article her mother sent her about the importance of female purity. Esther suggests that the article ignores women's feelings. Esther drowses off before anything sexual happens with Constantin. When she wakes at 3:00 a.m., Esther imagines being Constantin's wife, acknowledging that it would mean only a lack of romance and a gain of chores. Constantin awakens and drives her home. At home in bed, Esther is reminded of a skiing accident by a pain in her left shin.
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