The novel is owned by the author - Sylvia Plath. The summary of course I took from Google.
The Bell Jar details the life of Esther Greenwood, a college student who dreams of becoming a poet. She is selected for a month-long summer internship as a...
The day after the food poisoning, Esther wakes to the sound of a 7:00 a.m. telephone call. The caller is a simultaneous interpreter for the United Nations named Constantin. Mrs. Willard, the mother of Esther's semi-boyfriend Buddy, gave him Esther's number. Constantin and Esther agree to meet later that day.
The phone call finished, Esther lies in bed "feeling grim." She reads a short story about a fig tree in The Thirty Best Short Stories of the Year, which causes her to think about Buddy Willard. He is a handsome Yale medical student whom she has been seeing for two years on and off. At one time, Esther adored Buddy. Then she "discovered quite by accident what an awful hypocrite he was, and now he wanted me to marry him and I hated his guts." Esther compares the relationship to the story about a fig tree, but instead of a bird coming out of an egg, she says that the pair witness a baby being born.
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