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When Esther awakes from her electroconvulsive treatment, the bell jar has not disappeared, but it is now suspended high enough that Esther feels she is "open to the circulating air." Dr. Nolan promises that her future treatments will "always be like that."

Joan Giling appears to regress as Esther progresses. She hangs around Esther as if trying to soak up her recovery, but Esther tells Joan that she is disgusting.

Both women receive letters from Buddy, which causes Joan to sing the praises of Mrs. Willard. Esther recalls witnessing Joan and another patient, Dee Dee, in bed together.

When Esther tells Doctor Nolan that the threat of getting pregnant feels like a stick hanging over her head to keep her in line, the doctor writes her a prescription for birth control. Birth control is illegal in Massachusetts, but Esther's appointment to be fitted for a diaphragm goes smoothly.

 Birth control is illegal in Massachusetts, but Esther's appointment to be fitted for a diaphragm goes smoothly

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