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Esther's college benefactor, Philomena Guinea, hears about Esther's suicide attempt and offers to pay for Esther's transfer to a private facility. Esther knows she should be grateful, but she is unable to feel anything, a circumstance she compares to being trapped under a bell jar.

Esther is surprised to find that her psychiatrist, Doctor Nolan, is a likable young woman, who promises that any electroconvulsive treatment administered at this hospital will be different than Esther's previous experience. Esther receives insulin therapy as part of her treatment.

Esther becomes acquainted with some of the other patients. Valerie has had a lobotomy, an operation where part of the brain is cut to treat some mental illnesses. Mrs. Norris, who does not speak, is moved from Caplan, the present facility, to Wymark, the facility for extreme cases. One day, Esther hears that an "old friend" has moved into the room next door to hers. It is Joan Giling, Esther's school friend.

 It is Joan Giling, Esther's school friend

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