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It was early morning next day when Panchhi and Karan left, SK and Nitu were both sleeping still.... Karan took her to her car which Karan has arranged, Panchhi's bag was already in it, and she has enough clothes and stuff she would require to travel.... Karan was sending her someplace safe but he didn't want anyone to know where she was going, not even Dada Sahib.... But Karan knew he would eventually find out where she'd be, but later he finds better it would be.... Karan sent her away and promised her to visit soon.... Karan was thinking about only one thing, the man who was responsible for all of this.... Pradhan..... 

After Panchhi's One night stay and early morning departure, it took two days for Karan to get back to his routine, his routine was also changing frequently as he was trying to be with Nitu and also tried to run his company from his house, he had to take off to office when meetings are urgent, but rest of the meetings he completed on video conferences, this way he could be helpful to Nitu without missing out on his work..... But this time he has to go to the meeting, it was regarding board decision for company's plant in Jharkhand, due to some reasons around four hundred labors stopped working in the factory, and stopped the production.... And because of this, Karan's buyers were ready to sue the company for the daily losses they were facing because of this, Karan has to intervene and find a solution for this..... Karan sat in the conference room with other board members, behind him stood SK with her IPad, noting the minutes of the meeting..... They all looked at the union leader on the big TV screen, he was tall and with broad shoulders, he has dark hairs and over grown beard with little jerked eye.... He spoke in Bhojpuri accent, he seemed to be of Bihari origin.... He was looking around in this camera confused with the advance technology, he didn't know how to operate this Video conference, Karan and other board members waited for him to say something..... When an assistant set the conference up for him, his confidence as leader came back.... He puffed his chest and cleared his throat and started to speak.... 

"I hope you have received our message, we were kind of hoping you would fulfill our requirements within today, so we could go back to work, you know?" He parted lips for victorious smirk, he stole a glance back to one of his men and they also laughed at him, they all felt dominant over this suited men..... But he wasn't wrong, the half of the board were sweating like pigs when he sent his threatening message.... One of the board member spoke and explained, 

"But Jagannath, your demands are totally unreasonable, you are asking for new accommodation for every worker and change in operating machinery. Now machinery was newly installed three years ago when we started that plant, and the labors are on contract, we cannot give contract workers permanent houses....." a guy said trying to make his point..... 

"Say what you want, but these machinery is outdated and deathtrap for us workers, and we can't live on footpaths, we need place to sleep, so if you want us to work, give us the homes...." 

"But you all are locals, you're living there and working there even before out plant was established...." The guy argued.... 

"Yeah, but we need new ones" he said it like he was asking for a pair of new clothes, Karan raised his brow at him.... 

"That is totally unacceptable...." The guy was saying, but was cut by Jagannath, "Look Babu, I'm not interested in arguing with you.... I thought you were agreed that's why I said yes to meet with you.... But you are just irritating me.... Either say yes or we're done...." Jagannath threatened him, the guy looked back at Karan, Karan nodded with his brows and the guy turned to screen said, "Now, Mr. Karan Mehta will talk to you, if he agrees then your demands will be fulfilled.... He is Mr. Mehta, mine and yours boss...." The guy pointed at Karan, the Jagannath looked at him amusingly.... 

"This Kid, he's your boss? Man, you guys work for anyone who pays more, don't you?" Jagannath joked.... Karan's jaw tightened, he rested his hands on the table and smirked a little.... "So Mr. Mehta, is it yes or should we end this conversation now?" Jagannath asked.... SK was noting down every argument that was made and was mad at this guy, she knew the demands he was making was totally hoax, he wanted to thug the company on the name of workers welfare.... She was also surprised why Karan wasn't saying anything at his cracks.... 

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