020 "My Rules."

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{Your P

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{Your P.O.V.}

I was nervous to ask Akemi if she or maybe Killua had spoken up and asked about the so called boy. Gon didn't ask either.

"Hey Y/n and Gon! Sorry Gon, but I need to borrow Y/n for a minute." Akemi said, her lips were a parted smile and she had her eyes closed or at least squinted which made it obvious that she was nervous.

"That's alright, Y/n you and I can continue our conversation later, okay?" Gon said, he got up and walked back to the stage. Akemi sat in his seat so she and I could talk more quietly.

"Psst- Y/n...do you have feelings for someone yet?" Said four eyes, her glasses were slipping a little and she pushed them back up. I was confused on what she had asked, but after a few seconds my face became red.

"Akemi! We're in class! Let's talk about this later, when there's less people!" I said, whisper yelling. We were right next to the giant door that is both an entrance and exit. Anyone could walk in or out at any moment, it felt like fate was playing tricks on me when I saw the giant door open from the corner of my eye.

"Sorry I'm kinda late!" The blue eyed fluff ball said to the entire class. Killua was smiling and waved as a sign of greeting, he had fans surrounding him without hesitation. Some people who were close by came running and some too far away to get a closer look, stayed in the back and awaited for the snow boy to come close in their range.

I turned my head and shifted my body towards Akemi, who rolled her eyes and snickered at the sight. I stared in slight awe, when I looked to see Killua, he looked to my direction all he did was turn his head the opposite way as soon as our eyes slightly met.

'Is he mad at me? Was it about that picture Akemi sent, did he even know Akemi sent me that picture?'

I was more confused than ever, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings until I felt an uneasy presence. I looked up to see Shinoya staring blankly at me, I jumped backwards in my seat and made almost a high pitch noise.

She was so close it felt like she could kill me just by her cold glares. She stood up straight and looked down on me. "Hey there Y/n, mind if I sat next to you and Akemi?" Shinoya asked politely, she grinned, but her aura didn't change.

Akemi looked at her...upwards that is. Compared with Akemi, Shinoya looked like a giant, and Akemi didn't stand a chance against her.

I quietly nodded and Akemi huffed and moved her legs so Shinoya could get by. Shinoya and I were both sitting on the opposite sides of Akemi.

I looked to the side where there was walking space and saw Jack approach me. "Hey, Y/n...is it okay if we share contact information...since we'll be going to the amusement park. I think we should go to the amusement park on Saturday morning, around nine A.M. it might be less packed because of how early it'll be."

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