part i | thundering choices

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THE TRANQUIL SOUNDS of water dripping down, the semi-dark aura into which the atmosphere shades itself in and along with them, the turbulent winds that sway in directions of their own always felt like some stopping signal to Arit.

The coldness as if asked him to relax.
And he would do the same. Always.

Take a break, from every noise and listen
to a new melody of peace.

Stop and watch the heavy clouds dripping down everything they have been holding on for so long. His eyes capable of swinging winds in a tornado of its own, watched the rain pouring down with an indefinite modus operandi.

One which was unknown but truly beautiful.

He was not among those bothering about the jeopardy it must cause. Not that he was unaware of it. Though, he could just never ignore the fruitfulness it brought and the beauty it carried. Most importantly, the feeling it delivers. He used to say that.

Cold winds dancing on the sounds of
droplets falling down in a peaceful sleep on wetty roads and bedrocks, like the rhythm of a heavy heart beating, in happiness and propinquity.

The excess water flowing with a melodious sound and getting lost into a waterbody through channels which a man creats. All to rain again, through certain processes by which it will evaporate, condense into clouds and precipitate as rainfall.

It is mysterious how drop-breaking and their falling can be so beautiful.

In many ways, it spoke of everything a person goes through --- dreaming to attain a falling peace that never gets stored any where rather flows into human shackles, but somehow reaches the source of its origin, only to build again.

A raining peace.

It's beauty lies in it's constant fleeting motion. The recurring transformations, however destructive or sad, have always been beautiful.

When it rains, Arit loves it.

Not a little pitter-patter but a shower unbelievably capable of soaking every nook and corner.

One which silences every noise around and plays a sound of her own. By painting the sky grey and black, she blurs all the worries; she colours ones world. Everyone who can feel the beauty of her heart, can feel ones heart beat. How beautiful Rain herself is!

Tonight it was raining exactly how he loved and yet he felt every revulsion for the night that was elongating itself.

For the feelings trapped inside him.

In the dark of his room, he stood by the window engulfing in his beautiful black eyes, the roaring of clouds, the flashes of lightening and the music of raining. Every time his eyes would stop at that one figure, maybe never even left it, he would swallow a breath.

"Idiot!" He muttered under his breath, swallowing another breath.

She was the reason of his conflicted night. She, who was the reason of his comfort was why he was so anxious.

One who with her frail body was fighting against the power of nature, completely soaked in the shower. Her clothes clinged to her closely in a similar way she held on the hope that he will listen to her.

He will. When the noises in his mind stop, when the fear in his heart silences.

Cold winds blew outside and the rain has ceased to stop for the past half hour she has been there. As if it was raining for her.

Or him.

Stubborn and naïve as she is, she has kept sitting on the bench by the empty road wrapping her arms around herself, feeling chills pass through the thinness of her cotton kurti and blue jeans that clinged to her body closely, hairs clamped.

Other than her complete soaked self, there was nothing with her.

More than him, she cared about nothing. She had tried calling him, text him and even yelled outside his house like a mad woman but he has been deaf to all her calls.

Cause he could not hear anything more but the turmoil inside him, he wanted solitude.

Gritting her teeths continuously, she tried to cover herself in her arms so much as to save herself from the rage she was showered upon. From both sides.

She looked up as if she knew exactly that is where the God lived, with the worn faith of a child after his any wish is unfulfilled. A child she was. A child everyone must be.

As droplets fell on her face drained of all warmth directly. "what is it, han? You wish to rain a lot today", she half ranted and half scoffed irritated through her gritting mouth and then looked down instantly coughing out the water droplets. She felt the cold make way through her as she shivered continuously.

The thin fabric hung close to her body and she wrapped closer herself taking her legs up on the bench and holding them tight, resting her face on her knees.

It was then her eyes met him from afar but with an intimacy stars dreamt of and the moon envied. Her starry eyes looked persuasively at him and he looked away immediately.

'Does he have no sympathy for the poor little me ? That son of a-- '

A revolting roar of the thunder halted her thought mid way and she squeezed her eyes shut in frustration, shaking her head slightly. If her body was not shivering so much, she would have yelled a good some curses at the sky too.

"Idiot!" She muttered under her breath going back to what she was for here. It was not waiting, but waiting was what she was going to do.

It was ridiculous.

For her at least. Few months ago, she would call a person doing something stupid like that an idiot, repeating the past when she had actually called someone that.

Her eyes instantly darted to the window with a certain pain in them. She swallowed a deep breath and sighed, tightening her grip around herself. Her eyes filled up to the brim and she sobbed once more letting not a single drop drain down.

Maybe this was what differed between her and the clouds. She can hold back.

Besides the twitching in her heart and the shiver in her body, all she can feel was the tripping down of water on a thunderous night. With an undefined intrigue, she kept on hearing it.

Maybe the little smile on her face despite her aching heart was the unbelief she held. When did rain started to sound so peaceful to me? She wondered.

No matter how much careless she showed herself to be, she had always cared. In fact, a little too much than she should. A lot more when it has been about him.

There was not even the shadow of the one she was draining her entire self for -- body and mind, heart and soul. Whatever one names it, she has given him herself.

And she had accepted this fact, after a lot of denial and self-delusion, on one such rainy night. When it is for him, what is one night? She could wait many more. Even after she, with her entire heart, detested rains.

When it rains, Aira hates it.

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tanya x

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