part ix | slipping patience

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IT'S BEEN ONLY A LITTLE TIME since they started to date -- Arit and Aira -- not even a season, but it's been long she has been waiting, more than an eternity of chaos.

There relationship has been the oddest, most simple yet utterly complicated. It was like love, not there but there.

They would talk for a while and he would part leaving her longing for him. She would always watch him walking away from her and wonder if she really deserved him, every single time. What if she had taken the love that belonged to someone else?

She never felt in his eyes for her, the love that glowed in hers for him. He looked after her well, more well than he did before when they were just friends. He hugged her like she was made of snowball, so soft, as if a hug was what he needed the most. And he never kissed her.

Admiration and care, she could always see in his eyes but more than it or anything, she had only seen in those black eyes of his, grey and she would always found herself connecting it to her own and then feel guilty, unaware they could be there for many other reasons, maybe just the tough trials of life rendered him like that.

She was a qualified over thinker but facts she had caught, maybe right, probably wrong. For, in her relationship with Arit, it was her who loved him more.

Aira sat there in the shower which was not showing even a trace of mercy. It poured heavily on her already drenched self, winds circulating dangerously around her, her eyes filled and the night empty. She has begun to contemplate, only now, if she should leave, should she be even waiting?
Maybe he never wanted to be with her.

But stubborn as she was, she was not going to go without answers. Answers, Arit was searching for himself.

Arit was restless and the pain was too much for him. He was lost in the cyclone of uncertainties and his heart ached with the emptiness he suddenly felt with the loss of all the love he has given. None returned.

After Ashishika, he thought he would never be able to love any one again, never like he loved her. He loved her. So what was it that he felt for the girl waiting for him outside? He dated her without any love, any love like he had for the one he feels he does not have anymore. One can't love another if already in love.

His heart ached; eyes, itching to cry.

He did not know; love is neither first or second but true love is the one which renders the heart incapable of loving another.

If Aira thought it was mere jealousy then it was not. Though, by now when she was completely drained of all the delusions she possessed of being loved by the man she loved, she knows it is not the reason her self.

Maybe, the way she is, she would have been happy, were it really have been the reason. She would then try persuading him in all ways, not think of hurling questions at him.

He might be hurt, but he has no right to hurt her. And, she has always understood this thing; to avoid the same, she kept it all inside her, but she did make a mistake, she thinks now, by accepting when he said so. How could she be such a fool to believe he really loved her? He did not even say it.

It was this morning, outside the faculty's  library building, just by the door, where she was hugged by a fellow classmate and she let him cause he was a friend, who made it in the pre, one which she had qualified too.

And she saw him walking away, even after he saw her beckoning at him, he clearly did. She should have known he was clouded by the turmoil inside his mind, the swirling pain inside his heart. All she knew was that she was left alone, with 13 missed calls unanswered, several texts unread.

He did not have so closed a mind to have turned away from her just for that, nor was he one of the jealous types, but as much as both of it is true, it is true he felt something  pinch at him.

It was, truly, the uncertainties he felt occupying his heart when he saw her so happy, laughing like the sun taking over a dark sky, her eyes shimmering in shades that screamed happiness; he felt as if he would be the cause of seeing her bright face fading like the clouds take on a perfectly clear sky, her eyes pouring hurt.

When he started to date her, for no special reasons, he was completely unknown that one day he will fall for her like one falls for a poetry, for a poetry she was.

Arit tried his best to not, but he, even after all altercations, has undeniably fallen in love with Aira, in a way one falls for the rain.

Arit tried his best to not, but he, even after all altercations, has undeniably fallen in love with Aira, in a way one falls for the rain

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tanya x

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