Chapter 3: Love

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" Ok, I'll try my best to stay, thanks,do you wanna watch a box set later on Netflix  today or watch a movie or TV or something,maybe grab a pizza if you want, what do you think, also why on earth did you kiss me back the other day, I don't understand."Jac smiles at him, "sure, I have feelings for you, okay!, Isn't it obvious!?, All I want is you and you only ,I didn't tell you as I was scared that I would hurt you ,I'm a monster Kian but I just want to at least have a try with being together with each other in a relationship,your the only one who cares about me, who loves me and helps me with Em, and your funny and smart and just bloody handsome and amazing, I love you Kian and if you don't feel the same way then fine I just wanted to finally bloody admit it to you, I'm sorry."
" Okay...... , Right, I'm going to go see some patients and see if Chloe and Nicky need help with anything,see you later beautiful." 

" Before you go, do you have feelings for me aswell?"
Kian smiled at her, so happy that she finally opened up to him about her feelings for him, " Of course I do I wouldn't be kissing or hugging you if I didn't,and also Jac when I went to that mountain to try kill myself and  as soon as I was going to do it Ricus came but then I just wanted to ignore him and just die but as soon as you came just after you left the Psych unit I was shocked but you saved me from doing that and helped me when I injured my leg and you helped me with my mental health after that a lot I know I got a drug addiction but you've accepted that and your supporting me and also you are just drop dead gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, sarcastic and your just overall a wonderful amazing talented person." Kian left the room as happy as Larry, but still a tiny bit unsure as of the drug confession if she really did love him.
Jac loved the way, the Canadian said that, at least Kian was kind of hers, it was just that he didn't really think that a beautiful sarcastic,talented surgeon would love an arrogant cocky Canadian like him, definitely after the drug confession, well she did and he just needed to know that she honestly did love the cute, Canadian,but she didn't really know why. Was it the way he told her how beautiful she is or how handsome he is or how funny and goddamn adorable he is or his sarcastic remarks,well she could say a thousand reasons of why she loved the Canadian but she did.


"Hey,how you doing ,", Kian asked throwing himself onto the sofa next to the red - head, with a takeaway pizza to share and a bottle of red,in his usual clothing when he wasn't working, a loose grey shirt and baggy jeans, he got two wine glasses from the side and poured an equal amount of wine into the glasses.  " Alright thanks,what about you."
"I'm alright couldn't be better sitting this close to the one I love with my whole heart,you ok you look a bit worried about something, what's up,you can tell me you know,you can trust me,I love you."
"Yeah,I know , I'm fine it's just that you think that I hate you because of the drug confession, well I must admit I was a bit disappointed as I thought you dealt with your demon's but I thought about it and I'm going to support you and you might not think that I love you, but let me tell you this ,Kian Madani I love you still so so much, I want this cocky,cute, handsome, Canadian,I want you Kian."
" Jac I want this beautiful, sarcastic, talented surgeon,I want you Jac, I'm yours if you want me."
" Of course I want you,I yours,"
" And your mine."
Jac yawned, " Tired?" Kian asked looking at the red head.
" Yeah,a bit,I'm nearly finished anyways,just got a few more emails from the board and then I'm done for the day," yawning again.
"Ok,then am I spending the night at yours or going to mine as I haven't sold my house yet."
" Um sure you can do if you want,spare room though for you,sorry." Kian's brow furrowed, a bit disappointed as he couldn't sleep with the red- head but at least he could still sleep in her house and kiss her in the morning,
" It's fine,thanks anyways for letting me stay at yours."
" It's fine,my pleasure,your welcome."
" Do you want to leave the Netflix night till tomorrow or another day as you look like your going to collapse of exhaustion,you look exhausted Jac". Naylor blinked a couple of times trying to keep herself awake.
" Alright then, only if your ok with that."
" Yeah, I'm fine with  it,I won't be suggesting it if I wasn't and to be honest I can't be bothered staying up any later,even though I would love to,if you know what I mean". Jac blinked a couple more times ,trying to keep herself awake, surely she could stay awake five minutes longer she only had one more email to reply to,but with Kian distracting her it was hard to stay awake,not because he was boring her to death,even though he does half the time, because of how tired she was. Kian yawned, " You must be passing on your tiredness to me," ,Jac chuckled.
" I must be,sorry am I making you tired", sarcastically. Kian rolled his eyes, " No,your not making me tired,I'm just tired overall,I didn't sleep that much last night,kept thinking about the drug confession and if you loved me still,we don't have to be together in a relationship if you want,I mean don't get me wrong, I want to be in a relationship with you, I love you so so much,I'm just saying if it's easier for you to not be together and just be friends then we can do,what do you think?".
" Jac looks at him about to collapse of exhaustion," Kian, of course I love you still, I think with the drugs that it's easier to be together and living together as I doubt you can stop them completely if you live on your own as you'll probably relapse again, and struggle and I don't want to see you struggling if you know what I mean and I want to see you happy,you deserve to be happy and I think you should do whatever makes you happy, and Emma would be devastated if I broke up with you, she loves you Kian and I'll try my very best to help you kick the habit for good and if you want we can start you on a rehab programme,I love you Madani,your probably the best boyfriend I ever had, it's up to you if you want to start a rehab programme, I love you. Kian smiles at her,wanting to snog her but he couldn't as she was about to collapse of exhaustion,
" Ok then, I want to see you happy as well and as long as your happy being with me. I don't want you to have another nervous breakdown as I would feel like I'm a failure, I'll have a think if I want to start the rehab programme your on about,your probably the best girlfriend I have ever had, of course I love Bea and Vanessa( trying not to cry,infront of his girlfriend) I love you too, you are amazing Jac and you are beautiful in every way, you have really helped me grieve for Bea and Vanessa and I don't know how to thank you for all the support you have given me , I'm really grateful for it , thank you for everything".
Naylor stood up and went to go get a drink of water to see if that would keep her awake a few minutes longer as she had to check that she knew what surgeries she had to tomorrow morning and check if she had replied to all of her emails from McGerry.

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