Chapter 10: Recovery

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As Jac was taken outside of the room, she detached herself from David and sunk to the floor, in tears. Just then Stevie came over to her, with Marty following her, him also upset and slightly angry.
" Not now," Stevie said to Marty. With that, he walked away from her, and stood outside the room Kian was in. Kian's heart beat was now in a stable rhythm after some drugs were given to put his heart back in a normal rhythm.
Stevie bent down to Jac's level. Jac looked up at her, hearing her foot collide with the damp floor, creating a squeaky sound.
" What do you want?" Jac said through tears.
" To see if u want anything. "
" No I don't thanks. " Jac replies.
" Are u sure? Maybe some fresh air?"
" Why do you care so much? " Jac questions
" Because I understand what you are going through. "
" Really?"
"Yes, I've been in a similar situation myself a few months ago. Come on, we'll get some fresh air. " Stevie says, offering a hand to Jac. Jac takes her hand and they walk outside of the hospital to sit near the memorial.
" I'm not normally this nice to people, but I can be and I admire you. You are such a great role model to me. "
" Really? "
" Yh. You are such a strong woman, they way you run your ward and everything. "
" Thanks.... "
" Stevie Nash, registrar "
" Jac Naylor, consultant, you already know who I am. Thank you, for taking me outside. "
" It's fine, your welcome. Looks like, you needed the distraction. "
" We have the new programme starting soon, haven't we. "
" Holby becoming a teaching hospital?"
"Yh. The young people starting are apparently called Interns. I think it's a 2 year course with an exam at the end and then they become residents/registrars and then consultants/ attendings. "
" More people for us to boss around. "
" Yh, " Jac replied smiling slightly.
" How come, you are in the A+E department? I'm not saying you aren't allowed because of course you are. Your normally upstairs. "
" My boyfriend got taken in after getting run over. "
" I'm sorry. They're doing everything they can for him. "
" I know, it's ok, it's not your fault. Do u know what's wrong with him?"
" Not really, I was one of his first doctors looking after him when he came in. But then I got told to look after the other patients. The only things I picked up on was ; A dislocated shoulder, a few cracked ribs. " Stevie explained.
" How come is heart rate fluctuated?"
" Could be anything, you know that, could be internal bleeding perhaps. "
" Whatever it is, he's got the best team there. "
" Yeah."
" When I was saying I've been in a similar situation, I meant that, my sister Emma was really ill. She needed me and Dr Hardy got asked to pass the message on to me and failed to do so in time that then she was pronounced dead. "
" Gosh. I'm so sorry for your loss. "
" It's ok, it gets slightly easier, but there isn't one day that goes by when I'm not thinking of her. I had a very long grudge against him for it aswell. I forgave him in the end. With relation to your situation, I understand the sense of the unknown in your loved ones. "
" I'm not surprised, I would aswell. " Jac said. " It's meant to rain today apparently. "
" Yeah, I heard that. Storm next week, forgotten the name of it. "
" How marvelous. " The red - head said sarcastically.
Stevie smiled.
" When you are ready we can go check on him. "
" I'm ready now. "
" Come on then. " Jac and Stevie start walking in through the double doors of the A + E department. They head straight for Madani's room. Marty was still standing in the same position as he was 20minutes ago. He looked at them for a moment, with tears in his eyes. " Where is he!? " Jac nearly screamed in shock. Stevie took her arms to try and stop her from moving.
" Hey,hey, he's probably in theatre or being transferred. I'll find out for you." Stevie lets go of Jac and starts walking towards the nurses station, Jac following her.
" Dr Keogh? Do you know where Mr Madani's being moved to? I have his girlfriend here and his cousin Marty won't move from where he is standing. Please Dylan, tell me, I was his original doctor anyways. "
" Dr Nash. He's in theatre, he was found to have an pneumothorax. Which turned into a collapsed lung due to trauma. "
" Who's in with him? As Ms Naylor's here of course. Dr Burke and Dr Yang are with him. "
" Ok. Thank you."
"Could you take Ms Naylor to the relatives room and could I have a quick word after please?" Dylan asks her.
" Yeah sure. "
Jac was standing behind her, her face tear stained.
" If you don't mind, could you wait in the relatives room? As I have to chat to Dylan. "
" Yeah. "
Jac walks of towards the relatives room. Stevie then follows the consultant to his office. Stevie closes the door behind her.
" Please take a seat. "
Stevie pulls up a chair and sits in it.
" I'm aware that you have been looking after Ms Naylor, which I am grateful for, but you do realise you have other patients that need your attention. "
" I do Dr Keogh. Jacob agreed to cover for me. I understand, your colleagues are not supposed to cover for you. But at least the job still got done. It's not like I was skiving at the pub, you knew where I was. Did the patients survive?"
" They did. They aren't, as you do your job. Not someone else do your job plus there own. "
" I understand that Jacob has his own job and so forth. When I was explaining, he offered to. Plus, I was still doing my job. Ms Naylor needed someone to be there for her and I was able to be. I do apologize. "
" I accept your apology Dr Nash. But this cannot happen again, as they will be consequences. "
" I fully understand Dr Keogh. I will not."
" Thank you Dr Nash. " Keogh finishes his conversation with her.
Stevie walks out of his office, closing his door. She makes her way, down the stairs and to the relatives room where Jac supposedly is. She reaches the relatives room, to find Jac not there. She sighs in slight worriedness. She starts walking towards cubicles of A+E. She sighs again, but with relief this time as she finds Jac sitting on a chair beside Kian, holding his hand. Jac looks at the door and slightly smiles at Stevie.
[ Time Skip ]
Marty was no longer standing outside Kian's room, he was with Jade, who took him outside.
Kian's eyes started to open, straining from the sunlight. He realised something was gripping his hand,at this point he didn't know who or what. He looked to his left and Jac was by his side.
" Hey. " Jac greeted Kian, smiling.
" Hey. I'm so sorry, for earlier. "
" It's ok, I'm sorry too. "
" You been crying?" Kian asks in a sweet soft tone.
" Yeah, I was worried about you. "
" Max is probably not v happy with us. " Don't worry, we'll sort it out. "
" Does she know,I'm here in this state. "
" No, I don't think so. "
" Where's Marty?"
" He's with Jade. She took him outside."
" Ok. "
" Do you know what happened to you?"
" Yh. What are the impacts?"
" Fractured Pelvis, Collapsed lung, dislocated shoulder as well. You very lucky. "
" Lucky?"
" Kian, you could have had internal injuries, damaged your heart, brain injuries, you name it. Ok, you aren't perfect, but everything that was damaged, you got fixed. "
" Did Police question you?"
" Stupidly, yes, they thought I ran you over on purpose. "
" I hate the police sometimes. "
" Same. "
" They also thought you were suicidal. Which isn't really a stupid suggestion."
" What did you say to them?"
" I said that I wasn't a hundred percent sure you were ok. "
" I see. I'm not by the way, you know I'm fine and I've got a therapist. I was gonna go and the ideit drove through a red light. "
" It's ok, there was CCTV in the light. While I was getting questioned, a Cheif constable and they radioed to the guy questioning me and told him about the CCTV. "
" Ok, did they catch the guy who ran me over? "
" No, not yet. I think they want to speak to you but Fion's there, so you should be alright. "
" You ready to chat to them?"
" Yeah, might as well get it over and done with. "
Jac leaves his room and goes to find Fion, she finds her and asks her a question. " Hey, Kian's ready to chat to you. "
" Ok. " The female police officer replies. They make there way to Kian's room. They enter. Jac sits on the chair and holds Kian's hand, stroking it.
" We are aware, that you were involved in a RTC, earlier this afternoon. Correct? " Fion questions.
" Yes. "
" Could you recount what happened please, Mr Madani? " Fion asks the Canadian.
" So, me and Jac had an argument, and  I left the house in a bit of anger and confusion. I had my airpods in and I was walking towards the park, the light signified for me to go. So I started walking and all I can remember is a black audi coming towards me at an excessive speed. "
" Thank you Sir. "
" Sorry to ask, but why do you need to question me, when you've already questioned my girlfriend, plus you've got the evidence from the CCTV?" Kian asks, finding this minor interrogation useless.
" We just wanted background information. "
" Which is quite frankly non of your business. You know what happened, you don't need to know any more. Now let me recover in peace. "
" We are very sorry. Thank you for your time. " Fion leave the room.
" What a waste of time that was."
" For real. "
Kian groans in slight pain, " you need some pain medication. " Jac says.
" No, I'm clean, I want to stay that way. "
" I'll monitor you and makes sure you don't become reliant. "
" I'll inject into your blood so you don't have to swallow it. "
" I suppose that's a bit better. " Kian replies. " But you aren't working, you won't be able to," Kian adds.
" I know, I'll get Marty to do it. " Jac says. " If u continue to keep seeing your therapist,you won't relapse. " Jac carries on her point.
" Fine. "
" Kian, I'm trying to do what's in your best interests. "
" I know, it's just I don't like the thought of it being in my body. "
" I know, but it's to help you not be in pain. Are you ready now?"
" Yeah. "
" I'll go get Marty. "
Jac leaves his room, and finds him at the nursers station, " Dr Kirkby?"
Marty walks over, in all honesty not really wanting to chat to her. " I know that you don't want to chat to me, but we'll chat later, but first I need to ask you for a favour, " Kian has agreed to pain medication, could you administer it to him by injection please?"
" Yh, sure. What shall I give him?"  "Morphine?"
Marty goes of to the drugs cabinet that had now got a lock placed on. Jac returns to Kian's room, " he's coming."
Marty arrives at his cousin's room, he wraps the blue plastic ribbon around his arm to show his veins. He finds a vein and injects the needle into his arm, wiping it and placing a plaster over it. " All done cuz,"
" Thanks, I suppose. "
" Your welcome. Jac? Could me you talk in private please?" The young Iranian nurse says.
" Erm, sure. "
" Why? " Kian asks.
" I wanted to know what happened today to you. "
" You don't have to talk in private, you can talk about it here. "
" You sure?"
" Yeah,it's fine honestly. I'll tell the story. "
Marty pulled one of the spare chairs and sat in it. " Basically, me and Jac argued, I got angry, went on a jog and got run over by a guy who doesn't know how to drive. "
" What did you argue about?"
" I told McGerry I was using again, she was mean to Jac, so I swore at her, Jac got angry for speaking to the boss like that. "
" Ok. I think your gonna have to sort that out with Max, or your gonna get fired. "
" Your not angry at me?" Jac questioned her boyfriend's cousin.
" Not really, you didn't really do anything wrong. Does she know that you two are here?"
" I think so, I think one of your colleagues let her know. "
" Do you want me to call her now?"
" No it's ok for now. Kian needs rest. "
Jac focuses her attention on Kian again. " I'm going to be here for you Kian. As long as you want me to be. "
" Thanks. Love you Jac. "
" Love you too. "
" You can go speak to Max you know, I don't mind, honestly. "
" Ok, I'll go chat to her, so we don't have to do it later, wish me luck. "
" Good luck. "
" See you soon. "
" See you soon. " With that Jac walks out if his room, and goes to Max's office. She gets to McGerry's office and takes a deep breath before knocking on the door.
"Come in. "
Jac opens the door and walks in, Max takes one look at her and looks down.
" Ms Naylor. Come with an apology?"
" If it's ok, I would like for us to talk about the phone call. " Max placed her pen on some random letter based on finances, and looked at her.
" Okay. "
" I'm so sorry for getting so angry at you, I didn't really mean to swear, it's just I was angry at Kian telling you and his reaction to what you said to me. "
" I'm in the right mind to fire both of you, you have done something very wrong, you don't speak to authority like that. Ever. But,I understand why you got angry and I deeply apologize for saying what I said to you and Madani. "
" I understand that, thank you for understanding. "
" So, as you have apologised I won't be firing you or Kian, only if this happens again. We'll start on a new page, we'll put this behind us, I would like a word with Mr Madani though, of course if he feels better. But, you both can have as much time as you need. But do you understand what I'm saying?"
" Yes I do, thank you Ms McGerry, I'll mention it to him. "
Jac gets up to leave, McGerry looked down at her paperwork again, Naylor wondering why she was not as stern. If she was Chief or anything higher up than her, she would had a massive row with them. Whatever it was that was causing Maxine to be less stern, she new she would never find out.
She got back to Kian's bedside where he was asleep again. Before she was about to go back in, Stevie was there, in non - uniform consisting of; A light brown leather jacket, a white top, her brown hair out of its ponytail, more make up and blue jeans. " Hey, you alright. " The registra said. " Hey, I'm alright, I went to go see the other chief, McGerry. "
" How did it go?"
" Not as bad as I thought it would. She wasn't that stern to be honest. "
Stevie leaned on the wall which Jac mirrored, " oh, maybe she's in a happy mood. "
" Max really?"
" She must be happy sometimes in her life, but yeah it is unlike her. " Nash answered her.
" True. Are you still allowed to deal with me and Kian?"
" Jac, I don't give a damn what Keogh says, if I'm ' allowed ' or not. If I want to help you and lover boy I will do. " Stevie replied.
" Your gonna become a great consultant, thanks though. " Jac complimented her new friend.
" Really?"
" Yeah, you've got the right skills and attitude to the job. "
" Thank you,means a lot from you. "
" You don't need to thank me, it's fact. Sorry I better let you get on with your evening instead of chatting to you.  "
" It's fine honestly. You aren't keeping me, it's not like me or Faith will find any man/woman. "
" You will do one day, but you have to make sure you find the right man or woman. Not just any stranger. Make sure they treat u right. "
" Good advice. Thanks again. Right I'm gonna go. Night Jac, hopefully see ya tomorrow. "
" See ya, Night Stevie. " With that Stevie walked outside of the hospital, Jac slowly and quietly opened the door not wanting to wake her sleeping boyfriend. She sat next to him, finding a throw on the chair, slightly wondering who left it there. She figured it was probably Marty - by Kian asking him to, or Stevie. She tries her best to get comfortable on the chair which is a bit difficult but she couldn't be bothered moving to a place that was more comfortable to relax in and wanted to be by her boyfriend's bedside. After trying to get to sleep for a good 5 minutes, she eventually falls asleep.

• Next chapter uploaded hopefully soon, depends on motivation to write or if I'm busy.
• Once again, as always thanks for reading and commenting. Any feedback or questions please comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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