Chapter 4: Surgery

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As they prepared for theatre,Jac and Kian washed there hands simultaneously and the nurses prepared the procedure for the young patient. As Jac and Kian stood around each side of their patient, Kian smiled at her even though it was hard to know if he was actually smiling because of his face mask, Jac could see his eyes were ' smiling', this made her feel a tiny bit more relaxed.

As Jac cut a 1 inch cut into the skin, blood pored out of her patient.She started to struggle to breathe and her hands became very shakey, and dropped the scalpel. Jac bent down to pick up the Scalpel, " No, don't pick it up,we will get another one," Kian said. As the Canadian gave her a knew scalpel he grew worried about the red - head she was never normally this agitated and scared when she did surgery the only exception was when she was operating on Elliot ages ago and ended up having a break down because of it. Jac began to feel very dizzy and nauseous, as the patient was loosing blood,she couldn't let the girl die,she was only Emma's age and had her whole life ahead of her. All Jac kept thinking was Emma, she kept seeing Emma on the operating table this made her breathing more rapid and she began to lose her sense of where she was until Kian shouted at her , " Jac!".
" What?!"
" She's losing blood do something she's only Em's age she can't die,"
This comment from Kian made Jac drop the Scalpel and left theatre crying and panicking that she had killed the young girl,she went to go sit outside on the floor outside the theatre, pulling her hair out and crying and trying to focus on her breathing, but that was very tricky because even though it wasn't Emma, Emma was in the other side of the country in Edinburgh, Scotland, it was just her mind playing tricks on her, there was still a young child in theatre with a drug addict who didn't hardly know how to do the procedure.

On the other hand, In theatre, Kian was stressed out as well, he was worried about his girlfriend who just walked out of theatre for no apparent reason ,well it looked like she was suffering from a panic attack. He knew that the operation was Ablation but like Jac said it's a child who has a smaller heart than that of an adult. " Suction," , the nurses gave him suction that at least stopped the bleeding for a bit, he saw the problem so he did what he thought and removed a small targeted area of the heart, he prayed that she wouldn't have any heart problems in recovery,he stitched her up and passed the child on to the paediatric nurses. Kian took off his apron and mask and washed his hands.

As he walked outside he saw Jac crouched on the floor still crying and struggling to breathe. Kian bent down next to her and tried his best to remain calm, " Hey Jac are you ok, the child is fine." Jac looked at him, " Do I look ok, no, leave me alone Kian please,"
Kian walked a few steps away from her, " Fine but if you change your mind I'm right here for you ok and this won't last long ." Jac tried her hardest to calm herself and concentrate on her breathing,she closed her eyes , but all she needed was Kian, for some unknown reason he made her relax and calm, so she called him back , " Kian come here,"
Kian came over and asked her " Do you want to sit on the seats", Kian took her hand and they sat down on the seats, " What do you want me to do to help you" ,
" Stay here with me and listen to me, and hold my hand, please ". Kian hold her hand more tightly but not too tight, " I've got you, just concentrate on your breathing maybe try concentrate on something ,an object, I'm not going to leave you, only if you want me too, you are safe,you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable ok."
Jac's breathing was more normal now, " Thanks Kian, I know this a weird but you make me calm and you help me relax more, I'm sorry about theatre, I kept seeing Emma in there like she was the patient, even though I know she wasn't but it's just my mind playing tricks on me, I thought I killed that child that's why when you said do something and she is only Em's age I just lost it and lost control, I'm sorry Kian,"
" It's fine I'm sorry for making that comment about the patient you make me calm and relax as well theatre and work is a lot easier with you being there, when you said that about you kept seeing Emma you were hallucinating as it was a child and it's fine to cry to have panic attacks you don't have to be ashamed of it,and that's what I was, I was ashamed of it and I was depressed so I tried you know but you came and saved me and supported me, so I owe you and it's fine to cry don't worry about it and I won't tell anyone I promise, I love you Jac and I'm here if you want to talk about anything and everything."
" Thanks Kian, you could have spoke to me about it and I am here for you too if you want to talk about anything and everything ok,"
" Your very welcome I didn't come to you as you were struggling at the same time as me so I didn't want to bother you also I felt ashamed as a man to tell you that I was crying and panicking and struggling if you want and only if you want we can go back to the office and get ourselves a drink of juice or whatever you like we don't have to I'm just saying,"
" Kian I hate that when men are scared to open up about mental health issues it's fine to cry I just hate that stigma people have around men's mental well-being so you can talk to me whenever you like wether we are together in a relationship or just friends whatever you can talk to me,you can cry to me , don't be scared to do so and even if you don't talk to me at least speak to someone about it like Marty or Nicky or Fletch or someone,just someone, ok then yeah we'll go back to the office now, I'm proud of you Madani and I love you so much."
Kian and Jac get up and walk towards there office, he unties his hand from Naylor's and puts his arm around her back while they walk, " I'm proud of you too Naylor and I love you too don't be scared to talk to people either wether it's me or Nicky at least speak to someone if you are struggling."
" Ok I will do,"

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