Council pick-up

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Katlyn's POV

I walked to the council office to pick up the rest of my schedule,as I walked down the hallway I felt someone watching me but I did not pay attention so I countinued on my merry way.As I turned the corner I tripped over my laces to my black high tops,im so clumsy like last week I lost my balance and I fell into the lake over at my friend's house.Any way I still felt someone stare at my soul,I got scared and walked faster to the office

5 minutes later

I finally reached the office,I saw a lady about in her early fifties wearing bright red lipstick and a long blue dress with her gray whispies around her forehead.She asked for my name and said,Katlyn Andrews.Then with a flick of her wrist she shoved the paper in my face,Jeez what happened to first impression.


1st period-PAP Math                                                                             Mr.Mineo

2nd period-PAP Social Studies                                                         Mr.Lecrae

 period-PAP Reading                                                                            Mr.NF

4th period-Band sax./Lunch                                                              Mr.Brasel

5th period-PAP Writing                                                                        Mr.NF

6th period-PAP Science                                                                       Mr.Peabod                                                              

7th period-Athletics/soccer                                                               Mr.Hulvey

Not bad for high school,anyway as I walked out I saw my crazy friend,Sam Rivera.He is like the brother I never had,he likes to pull pranks and he is protective around me because his sister went somewhere and did not come back. This happened when he was about 5 and he does not want that happening to him again,feeling alone,so he protects me against danger.

 This happened when he was about 5 and he does not want that happening to him again,feeling alone,so he protects me against danger

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