Screaming in pain

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Liam POV

I started moving in my sleep cause I heard something fall thinking it was mom I said,''Mom is that you.'' She whispered,''Yes sweetie now go back to bed.'' I felt her playing with my hair tugging it lightly,then I thought to myself,my mom would never touch my hair,then whoever was messing with my hair tugged it a little in the front,my sweet spot then I quickly fell asleep.

I felt something sticky on my leg but I did not mind it thinking it was Allison's dolls.I walked back to the bathroom when I felt something pulling on my leg hairs when I looked down I saw white strips along my legs,I quickly peeled it off and screamed in pain and saw some blood come trickling down like honey then to get it over with I pulled the other one off slowly and boy let me tell you it was a bad descion cause it hurt even worse and I let out a blood curling scream.I decided to take a shower to cool off my legs when I put my shampoo in my hair it smelled like...Sniff....sniff  like bananas.I jumped out and dressed in a blue shirt and black ripped jeans with black Nike shoes I walked in the bathroom and screamed again when I saw my hair,my tips were yellow,I tried washing it out,it only faded a little bit,I decided to brush my teeth when I started brushing it wasn't my minty one it tasted like nothing but chemicals so I spitted it out.I then wanted to shave a little and when I put it one it started burning like a wild fire then I realized someone tampered with my stuff.I thought maybe it was mom since today was my birthday

I walked downstairs to the smell of blueberry pancakes,my favorite,when I finished I got my stuff ready when I saw a pink note saying,''Happy Birthday,I left you some pancakes I will be out till tomorrow afternoon,I want you to pick up your little sister I left you the address in your backpack,ok bye love you!''

As I got out of my truck at school everybody started praising me and giving me gifts since it was my birthday.My friends took me away from the crowd into the school to show me my cake and I saw the queen bee,Chloe walking up towards me and she was talking to me in her high pitchy voice that made everyone cover their ears but I wasn't listening to her she me and my friends decided to skip school to celebrate my birthday.

As we walked to our cars Jax said,''Man what happened to your hair?'' I told him the truth or what I thought it was and said,''I have no clue man I woke up this morning like this and to top it off my leg hair was waxed off and then my toothpaste was switched with shaving cream and my cream was toothpaste!'' I finally took a breath not knowing I was holding it on and when I looked at the boys they were wide eyed then soon laughed at my reaction,I got mad at them and said,''I'm going to leave wit out yall.''Then they hurried after me,I was thinking that today was maybe going to be the best besides this morning,I just have to keep wishing 

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