Blank state

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Katlyn POV

I woke up this morning so tired and excited about his reaction,I got up to take a warm shower and blowed dried my hair.I changed into black ripped jeans and a gray sweatshirt with my black hightops,I did my hair into a messy bun.I walked downstairs to make waffles,since my mom is not here and it's my birthday also the same day my dad died.


I called dad till he picked up

''Daddy can you hurry up today is my birthday I have a suprise for you,hurry daddy''

''Alright sweetheart I will try and I have a suprise for you too,ok talk to you later I'm almost done with work,love you and your mother.''

''Ok bye love you too''

5 minutes later we get a phone call from the hospital saying dad was in a car accident and didn't make it,ever since I blamed myself for it

*Flashback over*

I silently cried while sliding down the door,I get a call from my friend,Sam so I tried to fix myself and I answered saying he is already at school.I get out my truck from school and get a text message from Tracy,Liam's mother I clicked on it and saw the video and omg it was priceless,I decided to save it,I texted her saying thank you.I walked into school and saw Sam giving me bear hugs and saying happy birthday and saying soothing things cause I started crying about my dad.he is the only ones who know about my family and past,which I'm glad.As I was about to get to my locker I heard commotion outside and saw Liam and his gang outside and when he walked in everybody said happy birthday and I realized today was Liam's birthday aswell and I grew with fustreration having to share a birthday with the bad boy but wait he does not know my birthday today,when I felt someone staring I knew who it was so I looked back at him and shot glares and then I saw his hair,I started bursting out laughing holding my stomach and wiping laughing tears.He made a confusing face as I countinued then I saw him go outside with his gang,so I took the advantage to text his mom

Me:Hi Tracy I'm just letting you know Liam is skiping school

Tracy:Ok,I will get him.oh I was wondering if you could come to my place after school

Me:Sure is it might take me awhile cause I have to drop off my friend Sam

Tracy:Ok take your time,bye

I walked to class Mr.Mineo and he started class a little later we did a quiz and he passed it back and I got a A+ I mean I hate math and all but I still get good grades

Skip to 7th period

I had Mr.Hulvey,Soccer,and I played soccer mean,my older brother taught me when I was just 4 and ever since I got better.After school I got showered and dried and changed back,I walked outside waiting for Sam and I saw him with Isacc so I took a picture so I could send it to him later.He walked beside me and greeted his boyfriend.After 3 minutes I dropped off Sam I drove to Tracy's house,as I rang the doorbell I saw her wearing a blue below the knee dress with her hair curled.I walked in and admired the house when I was walking I felt someone grab hold of my foot,I looked down and say a little girl maybe around 5 or 6 had blond hair and blue eyes.''Hi my name is Allison and what about you.''  ''Well Allison my name is Katlyn and you have a pretty dress.''I smiled and she said,''Hey do you want to play dolls with me since my brother does not want to.'' ''Sure!'' and she grabbed my arm and dragged me to her room,I stare in awwstruck at her pink let me rephrase,very pink room.

Half an hour later we get called down,as I sit in a chair we sing happy birthday to Liam and he looks a little embarrased then all of a sudden his dad walks in and they do a group hug,so I excused myself to the restroom and cried my eyes out.I later start hearing knocks on the door and I got up quickly to open it a little and see Tracy.''Oh sweetie why are you crying.'' I say,''It's a long story.''  ''I have time and the ears,please tell me what's bothering  you.'' I tell her the story about my dad and how yall looked like a family and how my mother is barely home and she even forgot my birthday was today as soon as I say that I cover my mouth with my hand and I saw her eyes widen and I looked down to hid my face.''Oh why didn't you tell me,I could have ditched my son and go to the mall with you and have a girl's night.'' and I say,''Well I didn't want to bother you.''as I continue to look down and then she said,''Well we can go right now!!'' and she dragged me out of there and I saw Liam look at me and I looked back and we left and she drove me to the mall.I found a couple of outfits that suit me 

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