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Isabella POV

Luke called me saying we are going on vacation,I can't wait I already packed it the second he said vacation!

Luke called me saying we are going on vacation,I can't wait I already packed it the second he said vacation!

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He said we are going to the beach in Austallia and Joel is coming with us with Marissa,I can't wait.Later that day Luke picked me up and started heading to the airport we met up with Joel and Marissa.As we got in I started feeling sick I felt a jolt when the plan was taking off and I gripped onto Luke's arm,I felt him patting me on the back and whispering soothing things in my ears then I felt the darkness over come me and the last thing I remember was Luke telling me,''Good night.''and he kissed my forehead and I smiled in my sleep.

Luke POV

My mom called me saying she wants us there to celebrate my dad's birthday and I said sure if we can bring someone important and she said she better think what it is and I hung up and called Isabella to pack her backs we are going on a trip and I can literally hear the excitement in her voice as she was talking to me.I later picked up her and drove to the airport but she looked a little sick like if she was going to pass out,so I intertwined her hand with mine and circled my thumb around her,to calm her down a bit. As I got on the plane and took off we felt a sharp pain on my arm and saw Isabella clutching me till who knows,(I'm pretty sure it's going to leave a bruise)so I patterd her back and said soothing things she then feel asleep,so I did something I have always wanted to do I kissed her forehead then I soon feel asleep till I felt a jolt on my shoulder waking me up from my slumber.I turned to see Joel saying to get ready we are about to land and I said''OK.''I then woke up Isabella to tell her we are about to get out of here and her face showed excitment.We got out to see our mom running towards us and greeting the wonderful girls we brought with us.I cleared my throat and said,''Mom this is Isabella my girlfriend and this to my left is Joel,girlfriend.''When I saw her face it showed excitment and she dragged them to who knowswhere at.I then looked at Joel and said,''I'm glad mom is happy and someone to keep her company.'' Joel said,''Yeah it's been since we left the house oh and our hike tour person called us saying we should be at the front gate of the woods at 3.'' and I noded my head.

Marissa POV

Joel called me saying we are going on vacation and I could not wait,so I looked in my closet and found nothing that would fit the location so I went shopping and found this,it's perfect for everything

Joel called me saying we are going on vacation and I could not wait,so I looked in my closet and found nothing that would fit the location so I went shopping and found this,it's perfect for everything

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Joel picked me up and we started talking like no other day then I thought to myself,'Maybe I should have token that 5 minute talking competiton last year.'We have arrived at the airport when I saw Luke and Isabella holding hands,they look so cute together.Me and Joel picked up some suviners along the way.when we finally went to take off I feel asleep on Joel's shoulder peacfully.I woke up to see Joel waking up luke and Isabella,we finally got off and met with their mom,and OMG she is so sweet and nice,careing and full of boldness she dragged us to some place and picked out some hats to match our outfits about 1 hour later we had to meet up with our person giude or whatever you call it.When we reached the gate I could not believe who it was,it was Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning.I

I can not believe they were our guide,I immeaditly asked for a signiture or whatever you call itcause they are like so funny like comedians,then Rhett said,''Hold on you actually watch us?!" and I said,''Yess,I love yall's videos so cool and funny...

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I can not believe they were our guide,I immeaditly asked for a signiture or whatever you call itcause they are like so funny like comedians,then Rhett said,''Hold on you actually watch us?!" and I said,''Yess,I love yall's videos so cool and funny when yall both gag!!'' and then we all started laughing.After we calmed down we finally looked at the pretty sounding and noices and it was breath taking.

Joel POV

I wanted to hold you so bad on the plane,she looked to pretty even when she falls asleep,I can't believe it I'm latched around her finger and she doesn't even know it.We decided to leave early in on the hiking,we met up with Link and Rhett and as I approuched them I saw Marissa and Isabella staring at them,and telling funny stories and when I saw link look at her,I grew jelous so I walked up to her and held my arm around her waist and kissed her strawberry smelling hair,even she was suprised,even I was,I didn't even know I could do that.We finally took a break and decided out trail,I have been living in Australia for 18 years and I never even been in this part of the woods,it was so wonderful I took like 100 billion pictures and posted in Instagram,dinner came along and I helped the girls with Chicken Parmigiana,which is breaded chicken breast covered in tomato sauce,mozzarella,parmesan,or provolne cheese.A slice of bacon or ham is sometimes added,I prefer bacon as you could see below

After that we had to have a good night's rest cause in the morning we made a challenge or something in the morning to see who is at the beach

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After that we had to have a good night's rest cause in the morning we made a challenge or something in the morning to see who is at the beach

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