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Surprisingly enough, it was the buckles on the saddle that would help someone unlock the handcuffs. Of course, Austin didn't think he would have to worry about catching outlaws after today since he'd be starting a new profession soon. Unfortunately, this little strap of a woman had altered his plans. However, she didn't know he'd gotten out of his handcuffs yet. And right now, he wasn't sure when he'd spring that particular surprise on her.

During their ride, he'd stayed just far enough ahead of her so that she couldn't see him loosening one of the straps on the saddle. Using the thin piece from the buckle, he worked it into the handcuff's lock to open them. At first, he doubted it would work, yet when it did, he nearly jumped out of his saddle from the relief it brought him. Finally, his hands were free.

And just in time, too.

The cougar sounded close. Miss Lawson tried to appear as if it hadn't bothered her, but when her face paled, and her lips thinned, he knew it had. She was afraid, and he was worried for her, especially since she still held both weapons.

Thankfully, they were within a couple of miles from his property. He knew they'd make it to his cabin without any difficulty. Besides, the wild animal probably wasn't hunting them. Yet, why else would the animal be this close to civilization? Unless... was it a mother cougar trying to protect her cubs? He groaned. Hopefully, that wasn't the case.

He glanced back at Ellie again. "If we hurry, we'll be at my cabin within a half hour. We're nearly there."

She nodded stiffly. "Let's do it."

"You keep watch south of us for the cougar, and I'll watch the north."

"All right."

He held tight to his reins and the saddle horn – since he was still pretending to be wearing his handcuffs – and urged the horse into a run. He kept a sharp eye out for the wild animal, and so far, it appeared that they were safe. Of course, the cougar could be following them through the forest off to the west of them. He hoped that wasn't the case.

Every once in a while, he glanced back at Miss Lawson. She kept up with him, but the pale shade of her face worried him. If only he could convince her to give him back his gun. Although he'd never hurt a lady, she was bent on getting revenge, and so he didn't want to do anything to upset her.

Riding their horses fast, they were making good time, but Austin still worried that the cougar was out there somewhere. Finally, they neared his property. It would only be a few minutes now until they were both inside his home.

Out of the corner of his eye, there was a movement that caught his attention. The cougar darted out from the woods, speeding toward Miss Lawson. She saw the animal, but the terror on her face had frozen her limbs.

Inwardly, he swore. In a flash, he quickly guided his horse between Ellie and the animal who was ready to attack. He moved closer to her, enough to reach out and grab the rifle resting on her lap. Immediately, he swung the weapon toward the cougar and fired. The bullet struck the animal's leg, causing the cougar to stumble and fall. Seconds later, the animal jumped back up and dashed back into the woods, limping as blood dripped from its leg.

Austin sighed with relief. He turned around to look at Miss Lawson, who appeared disoriented. He didn't know how to explain why he wasn't handcuffed any longer, but he'd worry about that later. Now, it was time to get them both inside his house, where it was safe.

"Miss Lawson?"

She stared at the spot where the cougar had been the closest, but she didn't speak. The woman was in shock, and Austin was willing to bet that her body was probably trembling right now. It would be ungentlemanly of him to not care about her situation.

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