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Austin wasn't really trying to keep an eye on her, yet he couldn't stop himself from following her – at a distance – when she walked to the back of the train. He waited inside the last car, pretending to study the interior of the railcar, when a man moved past him, taking fast steps. As soon as Austin realized where the man was heading, a sixth sense kicked in, and Austin became more alert. He hovered his hand over the gun in his holster.

Seconds later, Ellie screamed, and Austin rushed out to the platform. The man saw him coming and released Ellie. She gripped the railing as her body dipped toward the ground.

Forgetting about the other man for the moment, Austin jumped toward Ellie and grabbed her arm, and at the same time, wrapped his other arm around to waist to keep her from tumbling off the train.

"Oh, Austin," Ellie gasped, hugging him tightly as she pressed her face against his chest. "You saved my life."

He glanced at the man who had tried to push her off. The man had begun his climb up the railing to the roof of the train. Austin grumbled under his breath. He would not let this imbecile get away with what he'd done.

"Stay right here," he told Ellie as he brushed a kiss across her forehead. He released her and hurried after the man.

Determination helped him climb up to the roof. Once on top, he steadied himself. The man ahead of him hurried at a clumsy speed. Austin must be precise in his steps, or he'd be the one falling off the train.

Taking careful steps, he kept after the other man, who kept stumbling over his boots that appeared not to fit him very well. Austin pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man.

"If you don't stop now, I'll shoot," Austin yelled. "You have no other place to go because I'll catch up to you... or shoot you. If you want to live, then give up now."

The man glanced over his shoulder and then briefly turned his attention to the land passing by them quickly. The man's beard flapped in the wind, and it was obvious the beard was fake. As he switched his gaze between that land and Austin, he knew what the man was thinking.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Austin told him. "Jumping off might get you killed."

"It's a chance I'll have to take."

Before Austin could pull the trigger, the man leapt from the train. Austin held his breath as he watched the man fall to the ground and roll. The man's beard and hat had fallen off, but Austin couldn't get a good look at him because his face was turned.

He swore to himself. Maybe he should have put a bullet in the man's leg to slow him down. Then Austin could have captured him.

Carefully, he walked back to the end of the train and climbed down. Ellie waited for him, and when she saw him, she rushed toward him. He took her in his arms, holding her close.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Yes." She lifted her head and looked up at him. "I was so scared you'd fall off the roof."

"No, I'm careful." He glanced back at where the man had fallen, but by now, there wasn't anything to see. "Do you know that man?"

"No, but I think he was in disguise," she answered shakily.

"He was." He met her wide-eyed stare. "Why did he try to push you off the train?"

She shook her head. "He kept telling me I had something of his, but I don't know him."

Austin stroked her windblown hair. "Let's get you back inside the train. You're trembling."

Keeping his arm around her, they walked back inside. Many passengers watched them with startled expressions, but nobody said anything. Once he and Ellie made it back to their seats, they sat, and he made sure he wasn't going to let her leave his side again.

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