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Ellie watched Austin closely, holding her breath. She clenched her hands, squeezing the pocket-watch that was still in her palm. Please Lord, let Austin find something...

Austin exhaled, and his shoulders drooped. Her throat tightened. No! She wouldn't accept this. He must discover some evidence.

His gaze locked with hers, and she could tell what he was thinking. His eyes didn't hold the luster they had earlier. Silently, she begged him to keep trying, knowing she couldn't say the words for fear she would start crying again. She was tired of crying. She wanted to laugh, and sing, and praise God for His help. But she wouldn't be doing that now.

Austin lifted the flask back up to his nose and inhaled. She held her breath again, praying harder than before. If her father hadn't been killed by poison, then how had he died? And why had he been writing a letter to his daughters if he didn't think someone killed him?

Suddenly, Austin's eyes widened. He moved the flask away from his nose, but seconds later, he brought it back, sniffing deeper. The light of awareness shone in his eyes. Ellie released her pent-up breath in one big gush. He had smelled something. His expression wouldn't lie to her.

Nodding, he lowered the flask, and he smiled. "Whatever was inside the flask was laced with arsenic. At first, I couldn't tell, but the second time I smelled, the peppermint scent was unmistakable. This is what your uncle wanted from you. It's proof that your father was poisoned. Your uncle desperately wanted this back so that he could destroy the only evidence against him."

A glimmer of sunshine began to peek through the dark clouds in her mind. "Do you mean," she said hesitantly, "that we finally found something that could get him arrested?"

"Absolutely!" Austin exclaimed happily. "Now, when we go to confront your uncle, we'll have the proof in hand." He nodded toward her skirt, "as long as you keep the flask hidden, of course."

Seeing his enthusiasm made her heartrate shoot higher. She didn't stop the grin stretching her face. "Oh, Austin. This is so unbelievable, but I'm thrilled that we finally have some solid proof. And I'll definitely keep these important items in my dress. I don't want anyone to take them."

He handed over the flask. "I'll make sure that nobody does."

Ellie placed the flask and pocket-watch back in her slip and pushed her dress down over her legs. "Oh, Austin. I'm still afraid to get too excited, but—"

Austin laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her. "I think you're allowed this time."

Laughing heartily, Ellie threw her arms around his neck, holding on while he swung her around. She tilted back her head, enjoying the moment. "Oh, Austin, can this really be happening?"

"It can, and it is." He stopped swinging her but held her against his body. "By this time tomorrow, your uncle will be in jail awaiting his hanging trial."

As she gazed into his eyes, his expression softened. Her heart melted, reminding her of the unspoken feeling she had for him. "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you."

"And I wouldn't have been able to do this without you pushing me."

She shrugged. "A girl does what she can to find her father's killer. But I'm very relieved I didn't have to tie you up and drag you along. That would have been plan B."

Austin's gaze dropped to her mouth. "I'm also glad for that. I don't think I would have fallen in love with you as quickly if you'd gone with that plan."

Ellie sucked in a quick breath. Had she just heard him correctly? Her mind and heart had been urging her to confess for a while now, and she prayed she hadn't just imagined him saying that. "You... love me?"

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