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Ellie stayed away from Austin for two full days, but Josie gave her updates on Austin's progress. Apparently, he was up and moving around and slowly gaining his strength.

He would leave any day now. Her heart couldn't take anymore.

Ellie sat on her window-seat and looked outside. Today's weather appeared perfect for a stroll in the park with the man she loved. But she couldn't even make herself leave her room. Her maid brought up her meals, and Ellie stayed all day in her nightdress. She had never felt so lonely or sad. When her father died, it was a different kind of sad. This time, she felt as if she wasn't worthy of anyone's love.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. Ellie didn't need to see who it was since it was around the lunch hour, and she smelled food. She had lost her appetite, but her maid continued to bring her food.

"Ellie, you must pull out of this."

Josie's voice startled Ellie, and she turned to look at her sister as she carried the tray of food to the table. Sighing, Ellie looked back out the window.

"Is he gone?"

"No. Mr. Tanner is still here. He really wants to talk to you."

Ellie shook her head. "It's no use. I cannot be the woman who takes away his dream, and I cannot marry him and live in Wyoming."

"Why not?" Josie moved to sit on the window-seat with Ellie. "You both love each other. I've never seen you so happy as when you two were together."

Ellie took her sister's hand and squeezed. "I'm not going to leave you alone and move across so many states to live in a foreign place. You are my only family, just as I'm yours. We need to stay together."

Josie tapped Ellie's hand lightly. "You need to stop thinking of me as a little girl. I'm not. And, since you left to find Mr. Tanner, I have been on my own. I haven't relied on our aunt or uncle for anything. I can take care of myself, and I have the servants."

"No, Josie. You can't convince me otherwise. I won't leave you, and if Austin expects me to do that, then he's not the man I fell in love with."

"I don't expect that, Ellie." Austin's voice interrupted the conversation.

Ellie gasped and turned her head to look at him. At first, her reaction was embarrassment since she wasn't dressing, nor had she brushed her hair. But then, it upset her that he would just walk into her room unannounced.

He moved closer, and her heartbeat knocked crazily against her breast. She'd forgotten how incredibly handsome he was. This was why she hadn't wanted to see him. Looking at him made her weak in the knees.

She quickly lifted the afghan that had been over her legs and tried her best to cover her front. "Austin, please..."

"And I'm appalled that you would think that way about me." He stopped next to her, not taking his gaze away. "I thought you knew me better."

Ellie's throat tightened with emotion, and she shook her head. "I thought I knew you better, too, but I was wrong."

Josie muttered something and quickly left the room. Although Ellie wanted her sister to stay, maybe it was better that she wasn't here to witness her older sister's humiliation. Ellie switched her gaze out the window as she fought back the tears.

"Ellie," Austin took Josie's spot on the window-seat and touched Ellie's leg, "will you look at me so that we can finish our conversation?"

"We had finished it two days ago."

"No, my darling woman." He reached over and cupped her chin, turning her face toward him. "You might have finished it, but I still had so much to say."

"Oh, Austin. Just admit that we cannot make this work."

"I shall admit no such thing." He frowned. "But I do want to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"Is the reason you don't want to go to Wyoming because I don't live in a large house as you grew up in?"

She gasped. "I cannot believe you'd think such a thing. Austin, I'm not that kind of woman. Why else did I wear men's clothes when I chased you down? And why else would I sleep in the back of a wagon?" She shook her head. "The way I was raised has nothing to do with me not wanting to live in Wyoming."

"Fine, then... do you dislike the country?"

She rolled her eyes. "Didn't you just hear what I said? Of course, I'm not afraid of living in the country."

He nodded. "Then, is the sole reason you don't want to marry me and live in Wyoming because of your sister?"

Ellie swallowed hard as her heart started to crumble again. "Austin, my sister and I are all we have left. I cannot leave her alone. But, I'm not going to have you regret marrying me because I made you give up your dreams."

He scooted closer as he gently cupped the side of her face. "Then why can't you bring your sister along?"

Ellie's mind stumbled for a moment, not quite understanding him. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I want to marry you no matter what, and if that means bringing your sister to Wyoming to live with us, I'll happily do that." He smiled. "My sweet, Ellie. Don't you know I'll do anything to make you happy? Because your happiness, in turn, makes me happy."

As Ellie's mind began to clear, her hopes began to lift. "You would actually consider bringing Josie with us?"

"I'll go ask her right now if you want." He pulled her closer, so she scooted on the seat to fit more comfortably in his arms. "But before I go, I want you to know how much I love you. I cannot live without you, Ellie. I need you by my side, always."

Tears of joy filled her eyes. She nodded and leaned against him. "Oh, Austin. You are truly an amazingly perfect man."

"It's because I'm in love with the perfect woman." He brushed his lips across her forehead. "I was thinking that we could live in Wyoming in the summer and fall, and live here in Dodge City during the winter and spring."

"Why would you want to do that?"

He rubbed his thumb below her bottom lip. "Because I don't want you to give up your father's house. I want our children to come here knowing that you had a wonderful childhood."

"Oh, Austin." She dropped her grip on the afghan and threw her arms around his neck. Their lips met instantly, and she kissed him with all the love that filled her heart.

The kiss was just as passionate as it had always been. Of course, Ellie felt more emotion now than she had before. They'd had their first argument, and although it probably wouldn't be their last, as long as they communicated and worked things out – ending with a passionate kiss – she wouldn't hesitate to hold in her thoughts and opinions. Austin knew she was a headstrong woman, and he still fell in love with her.

He broke the kiss but continued to hold her against him as he stroked her hair. "Ellie, my dear. I really want to talk to your sister."


"Because," he pulled back enough to look into her eyes, "the more I kiss you, the more I'm eager for our wedding night." He winked.

Heat filled her face, realizing that her thoughts were heading in that direction, too. "Then hurry and talk to my sister." She pulled away from him and stood. "I need to take a bath and get myself ready."

"For what?"

She grinned. "Because, Mr. Tanner, we are going to find a minister today. We've both waited long enough. We will be man and wife before night."

He laughed and stood. As his arms wrapped around her, pulling her in for another kiss, she shook her head and shoed him with her hands. "I mean it, Austin. I'm determined, and you know what happens when I'm determined, right?"

He nodded. "Of course. You always get your man."


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