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Ellie's breath caught in her throat. Pain spread through her arm where the man held her. It frustrated her that the imbecile wouldn't believe her when she first told him she didn't have what he wanted. Of course, if he would be a little bit more specific, maybe she'd know what he was referring to.

She tried to swallow, but it was as difficult as breathing. "Please, sir. If you would tell me what it is you are after, I might be able to help."

"Don't be foolish, Eleanor. It's what you took when you were at the sheriff's office, going through your father's belongings."

Her mind tried to remember all the items that she had taken, but fear clouded her memory. What upset her most was that she was afraid. Ellie Lawson was tougher than this, wasn't she? Hadn't she broke up a fight between Austin and the outlaw he was after? And hadn't she taken Austin prisoner? Yet, she felt so helpless now. No! She refused to be the weakling. If this man knew her name, then he would know that she was tough, and she would not let him get away with this.

"I... didn't take anything," she lied.

"I happen to know differently," he snarled. "Now hand it over."

Slowly, courage built back inside her. "And if I don't?"

"Then I'll kill you."

Rolling her eyes, she snorted a laugh. "Killing me won't get you what you so desperately want."

He growled and tightened his fingers around her arm. "Then I'll kill the bounty hunter."

That was her weak spot, and this man knew it. Still, she must remain strong. "No, you cannot kill him. He has a great reputation. He didn't get that well-known for having people shoot him, don't you know."

"Listen, lady—"

"No," she interrupted, "you listen." Finding her strength, she lifted her heeled boot and smashed it on his foot, and at the same time, used her free arm to swing her fist toward his face. When her fist connected with his nose, she heard bones crack.

The man yelped and jumped back. His hands covered his bleeding nose. Now that he had released her, she turned toward him and kicked him in the shin. He cried out again, but she didn't stick around to see what he would do. Instead, she lifted the skirt of her dress and sprinted toward the hotel, hoping to meet Austin along the way.

She looked past the shocked expressions on people's faces as she pushed by them in an attempt to get to safety. Of course, she didn't think the foolish man would follow her now – not when there were witnesses.

Ellie's hair flew in her face and tried to block her vision, but she didn't have time to push it away. Getting to Austin was her main goal as she bumped against people right and left, hurrying toward the hotel. The sounds around her bunched together and overrode her thoughts.

Suddenly, she slammed into a man's body. His hands grasped her arms. She struggled and beat her hands against his chest. She would not give in to the killer without a fight.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"

Austin's soothing voice brought her out of her panicked state, and she looked up into his worried eyes. Relief washed over her, and she released a sob, falling against him. His strong arms held her up, or else she would have crumbled to the ground.

"Ellie, look at me."

She didn't want to. Keeping her head resting against his chest and hearing his heartbeat calmed her. "Austin," she cried, clutching his waist-jacket.

"Tell me what happened."

"The... killer." She inhaled shakily, trying to find the words. "He found me."

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