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Ellie knew she was ignoring Austin, but it was so good to see Josie again and that she was faring well. Austin took Ellie and her sister into Anna's Restaurant and Hotel to have some tea and cookies. Ellie and Austin hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, and smelling the heavenly food made her belly rumble. Thankfully, it wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear.

She reached next to her on the table and took her sister's hand. Ellie wanted to tell Josie everything that had happened to her during the time she'd been with Austin, but mainly, Ellie wanted to find out about Uncle Wesley without getting Josie worried. It would be difficult, but she had to say the right words. Hopefully, Austin would step in when Ellie was sinking.

Josie kept looking at Austin, and Ellie realized that maybe she needed to say something about why she was with the bounty hunter.

"I've been worried sick about you," Josie said, tightening her fingers around Ellie's as she clasped her hands. "Tara said that you had just taken off and that I would understand." Josie blinked back tears. "But Ellie, I didn't understand at all."

Sighing, Ellie shook her head. "I'm so very sorry, but it was a sudden decision." She glanced at Austin. "When I saw Mr. Tanner, I knew I had to beg his help to find Father's killer."

Josie's eyes widened when she looked at Austin again. "Is that why you are back in Dodge City?"

Austin nodded. "We are going to find the truth about the day your father died, I assure you."

Josie switched her gaze back to Ellie. Her gaze pleaded. "Do you think it's possible? After all this time, is it possible?"

Ellie gave her sister a reassuring smile. "Austin and I have worked together to come up with a few suspects that he hadn't thought about the first time."

Josie leaned on the table, moving closer to Ellie. "Do you care to share what you have come up with?"

Ellie chuckled. "Not yet." She patted her sister's hand. "I don't want to get you too excited, just in case it doesn't pan out."

Frowning, Josie sighed heavily and sat back in her chair. "I understand."

After waiting a few seconds, Ellie finally decided how to broach the subject about her uncle. "Tell me," she smiled at her sister, how is everything at the house? Has Aunt Jacqueline or her irresponsible son ruined anything yet?"

Josie rolled her eyes. "Aunt Jacqueline is remodeling another room if you can believe that, and Leonard is just as lazy as he's always been. He sleeps the day away and leaves at night to gamble money that's not his." Her mouth tightened. "I don't see him much, which works just fine for me because I fear I'd want to punch him in the nose. But," she giggled, "apparently, Leonard and Uncle Wesley got into a huge argument, and Leo punched his father in the face." Josie slapped a hand over her mouth and muttered, "I think it broke Uncle Wesley's nose."

Excitement shot inside of Ellie, and it was all she could do to stay in her chair. She glanced at Austin, who sat across the table, and his eyes danced with enthusiasm, too. But she still didn't want to say anything to her sister.

She looked back at Josie, trying to appear shocked. "Did... you see their fight?"

"No, but Tara told me about it."

Ellie arched an eyebrow. "Did Tara see Leo hit his father?"

Josie shrugged. "I assume so, which is why she told me, but I'm not certain."

"What happened to Leo?"

"Well, according to Tara, Uncle Wesley tried to kick him out of the house, but Aunt Jacqueline wouldn't let him do that to their only son."

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