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Austin couldn't fight the temptation any longer. This woman needed to be kissed passionately by him and only him, and he'd made certain that she enjoyed every moment.

Keeping hold of her head, he leaned closer. Her breathing had accelerated and was as uneven as his own ragged breaths. Just before touching his lips to hers, he stopped. She had closed her eyes as if anticipating this moment.

"Ellie," he whispered and brushed his mouth over hers. "If you don't want this, tell me now, and I'll stop." He wasn't forceful when it came to women, and he needed to make sure she wanted this as much as he did.

"No." The word sighed from her mouth.

His hopes plummeted. This was going too fast between them. Pulling away would be hard, but he'd do it.

"Don't... stop," she added softly. "I want you to kiss me."

Those words were like angels signing in his ears. Yet, he still hesitated. Kissing her too soon could ruin the friendship that was growing between them. He needed that. But, he also needed to feel a woman's kiss, reassuring him that he was still desirable.

You... don't think we're going too fast? Because if you do, I'll—"

"Austin Tanner," she muttered, brushing her lips across his, "if you don't kiss me know, then I'll boldly get things started. I've been thinking about this moment since we met."

Groaning, he wrapped his arms around her while covering his mouth over hers. As she leaned against him, she met his urgent kisses, which brought havoc to his senses. Excitement filled him, and kissing this woman was more important than anything else at this moment. Knowing that she had thought about doing this all along only made him more eager to please her.

He shifted them on the seat, turning her so that her back pressed against the chair. This way, he could hold and kiss her much easier... more comfortable. Although, he really should have done this while they were sleeping in the back of his wagon. But now that the moment was at hand, all he wanted to do was show her how much he enjoyed having her mouth meet with his in a passionate kiss.

Her hands moved to his chest, and then seconds later, she slid her palms up his neck. Warmth filled him, lifting him higher in gratification. But when her fingers threaded through his hair, he wanted to melt in pleasure. Was she even aware of what her touch was doing to him?

From somewhere behind Austin, he heard a man clear his throat loudly. "Pardon me, sir, but you are making an indecent spectacle. There are some children on the train, for goodness sake! If you don't stop, I will have no other choice but to fetch the conductor and have you kicked off the train."

Ellie jumped back, breaking the kiss. Her face was red. It clashed with the color of her hair and her dress.

Austin never felt so irritated in his life. It was like being thrown in an icy river while still asleep. Yet, kissing passionately while in public was something most people frowned upon. The strange man had every right to voice his thoughts, even if it stopped Austin's happiness.

Sighing slowly as he tried to calm his anger, he turned his head and glared at the man. "There. Are you satisfied now? You embarrassed the woman."

The balding older gentleman lifted his chin stubbornly. "And rightly so. You both should be ashamed."

Austin rolled his eyes and turned his back on the man again as he looked at Ellie. Her gaze was pointed out the window. His chest tightened as guilt weighed heavily upon him. He shouldn't have kissed her like that, and yet, when the moment was right, it would be a catastrophe not to take advantage of it.

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